Monday, August 1, 2011

Always repeating myself

I find myself doing that a lot. I was at the gym and another infomerical was on for an exercise thing. This was the ab rocker twister or something like that. Now here is the part where I repeat myself. Look at the before and after photo. I swear 90% of them looked like they just simply sucked in the gut. The thing that people that see these don't get is that it's very easy to make someone look like they lost weight or that they are super ripped. It just requires a diet that dehydrates you so that the skin is sucked right onto the muscle. Plus there are gels and paint on tans that can bring out more definition under light. Plus hello they use fitness models to shows these items. Now I'm not saying that they don't work. I'm saying that they don't work as well as they want you to believe. If they did then why aren't these items around for longer than a year? Plus if you read the white fine print it says the results are atypical. That means they are not typical. Meaning that most likely the models were given a special diet to get some of the dramatic results you see. Plus that way if you call up saying you didn't get those results they can say hey we said that the results were atypical. Got to love critical thinking.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Had one of those days

Yesterday was just not a fun day. Storms kept rolling in and out yesterday so that didn't set the mood very high. Then I get a call from my gym partner saying that the pompous trainer showed up and said that we didn't sign a year contract. Well that's not true as you'll find out if you go back to my may archive. So that made him get a little pushy. That and the trainer also made it sound like we stole a drawing box. Well they got talking and turns out the pompous trainer will be the new gym manager because the previous gym manager had military stuff to do. Although when he was talking to my friend he made it sound like he might have left for a different reason. Well they talked for like half and hour and turns out the pompous trainer isn't so pompous when you talk to him. Well anyway I had to go stop by the gym with my copy of the contract to show that we should be on a year membership not a month to month. When I stopped in I met the gym owner (again) and showed him that we signed a new contract and the previous guy must not have put it in. Even though we signed it in may. Also turns out that there was a copy of that contract in our file. By this time the somewhat pompous trainer soon to be manager showed up. So that is all set up and set away. Plus I'm still dealing with this weird lump on my chin. It's going down, but I'd like to know what the hell it was. Sure it had to do with stress.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Always makes me laugh

It always makes me laugh when I see people do one thing and say another. I was watching the Today show which were talking about a fake apple store in China. Now you must note that the front of the store says Apple Store. They wear the apple shirts, and have apple products, and basically look like an Apple store. When an employee was interviewed she refused to show her face. She says the media is distorting the facts. What is there to distort. You are presenting yourself as an employee of an Apple Store that is not an Apple Store. What is there to not get. There are only 4 legit Apple Stores in China and you are not one of them. You didn't apply to become a legit Apple Store yet you set yourself up like you are. Then they interviewed the manager who again refused to show his face. He basically said they are real products with a real protection plan so who cares. We are also applying to become a real Apple Store. I think yeah Apple will probably let them, but I think they will have a lot of money to pay Apple in response. If they wanted to they could sue them right now. Find out how they are getting all there products. And all that fun stuff. Just amazes me that they want to do this.

Monday, July 25, 2011

What happened to Gym Etiquette ?

I swear a majority of people at my gym do not exercise it. Everyday I see equipment put in the wrong place or weights left out. Twice a 100lb dumbbell has been left out. I honestly just don't get it. What is the big deal with not being an ass when it comes to the gym. Plus it does not help that 2 out of the 3 trainers are just as bad as the members if not worse. The other day the only female trainer had her client go from one machine to the next without wiping down the machine. Well I guess I should mention what started this. I get to the gym today and there was a guy in the back. When I went to fill up my water bottle I noticed that the smith machines had weights on it and the guy was not using it. So I did my warm up bike ride and then my dips and he was still not using it. So I go to the back move the bench that was there. Take off all the weights move the bench I wanted and put on the weights I needed. After awhile the guy left. When I was leaving my gym partner said what did you do to that guy? He left in a huff. I said I don't know and I explained to him what happened. My partner agreed that I did nothing wrong. If you are going to use something use it. Don't get up and use something else unless your super setting in which case I would have seen him go from one thing to the next. I'm no longer playing this mind reader crap. If someone is not on something and I need to use it I'm going to use it. If you don't say hey I'm super setting do you mind holding off for a second then I'm going to use it. I understand super setting. I do it on my arm days, but I also pay attention to who is in the back with me and who is using what. I just flat out do not understand this mentality of treating a gym you go to like your home gym. If you see that other people are there how about you stick with one machine then get off it. Don't get up walk around, stare at a tv for 5 minutes, then go back to do another set. Like I said what happened to gym etiquette?
In other news turns out from a month ago I lost a pound, but everything stayed pretty much where it was which is not what I expected. I expected my body fat to sky rocket, but it stayed where it was. The weird thing is I weighed myself on Saturday and I was up by .2 lbs from where I was last month, then managed to lose it all by today. Odd, but it also means that I'm staying pretty consistent.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Didn't see that coming

Yesterday I was checking my e-mail and I got an e-mail from my gym which isn't odd. Then I looked at it and it looked like it was from the gym head quarters. Turns out that I was awarded the Presidential Active Lifestyle award. Basically for adults you have to be active at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, for 6 out of 8 weeks. Well I've actually done that awhile ago, but it turns out that my gym keeps track of this so they sent me the e-mail congratulating me and giving me the link to the certificate. I must say it's pretty nice, but it would have been nicer if they actually filled it in for me. Not like they don't have my full name. At first I thought it was a scam, but since they aren't getting anything out of it it clearly wasn't. I then googled it to double check and yeah it's real. You can actually do it yourself by signing up for it online. I'm sure you then have to sign in, log what you did and for how long. If I had known about it ahead of time I would have gotten one the second it came out. Well not the second, but at least 6 weeks later. I've always worked out at least 5 days a week only recently have I moved up to 6 with 5 days at the gym instead of 4. Well either way I got it done and now I'm going to print it out and hang it up in the store. It's another conversation starter.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Leg day again

Oh I can tell I'm going to be sore again. Today was my leg day and I did those low squats again. I will say they aren't bothering me at the moment, but we'll see come later today. Luckily I have a bit of extra glutamine to take later. I also dropped off my car for hopefully the last big repair for awhile. I do need a new muffler, but well that's going to have to wait until closer to winter when I get a bit of extra money. I might also have to get a 2nd job to pay with all these bills. I need to find a job that I can do online or something. I just can't really have another job where I deal with people. I get enough of that from my job here. That's what happened when I got that 2nd job for Christmas. I was dealing with people all the time plus crappy winter weather. Made me very cranky as you can see if you go back to last December.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Back home from the trip

Finally back home from the trip. It was nice to see everyone again, but good to be home again. I really missed coming into work. I swear the next time I go on vacation it will be so hard on me. I felt bad leaving, but I also felt bad coming back. Just a lot of bitter sweetness. I think it's as my roots get planted here it gets harder to leave, but at the same time when I see what and who I'm missing I can feel the roots starting to plant themselves. I think sometime in the next few years I'll be moving closer to Texas. Probably Oklahoma. I'm far enough that I can start a new life, but close enough I can visit my old one. It won't happen next year or even the year after that unless something major happens.

Friday, July 8, 2011

My gym and it's members

I swear my gym does stupid thing along with some of it's members. Ok so my gym is staffing the club the last two saturdays in July for tanning. Yes the last part of July for tanning. Now up here in Wisconsin August isn't exactly the go out on the beach month. If you are going to offer extra tanning then you should have probably done it in June. More people would have probably jumped on it. Plus do that many people at the gym really use tanning that you have to add extra time slots?
The other thing is I have no clue why members insist on leaving the gym a mess and that's exactly what they do. Today a 100lb dumbell was left out. This staff was left out and a notebook was left behind. How the hell do you leave your notebook with all of your workouts in it? And if it's not notebooks it's waterbottles. There was actually a weightlifting belt left out. I've seen towels left behind. I just don't understand people.
The other thing I don't get. Why do people drive all the way over to the gym to use the bathroom or change. No I'm so not kidding. That happened this morning. This couple drives all the way over to the gym to come in and change. Why can't you change at work? Or how about changing before you leave the house?
The other weird thing is pretty much every morning this woman pulls into the parking lot and talks to someone on her cellphone for anywhere between 10-30 minutes. We all think she's having an affair. The reason being that there are tons of places where you could park. Why do you have to park in the gym parking lot. Plus why can't you have the conversation in the gym or anywhere else for that matter. The reason is that you are having an affair and you don't want anyone in the gym to hear you because they may know your husband. You park in the gym parking lot just in case your husband or his friends might drive by and see you there. Honestly it's just pathetic. One day you will get caught because one day someone will see your car. Park it and see that you are parked there and on the phone. And they'll catch you again and again and the word will get out.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Not my day

Yesterday was clearly not my day. 1. turns out that the oil leak from my car is a small problem, but they then noticed a bigger problem which (shocker) is much more expensive. If this was a newer car that I plan on driving for years then I would have no problems with this, but sadly it's a 1993 car. Not of course working. 2. the part they needed wasn't available and the only one that is would cost an extra $50 which of course I'm not doing. So by this time I got a stress headache. Luckily I was doing better until I got 3. another use to. If you recall I call people that are stuck on how they use to look, what they use to do, and anything else that keeps them in the past. This guy comes in. Here let me set the scene. He comes in and he has no front teeth on the bottom half of his jaw. He is fat. He is drinking a huge soda. His son comes in chatting on a blue tooth. Well he comes in and acts like he knows what he's talking about. He then says what protein do you have for before and after workouts. I said well you don't want to take protein before hand. He says Uhhh yeah you do. I responded saying that the body does use up energy to digest that protein which could be used from workouts. And it's not just me saying this. Pretty much anyone in sports nutrition will tell you to not have a protein shake before hand unless it's like 2-3 hours before. That way your body can digest it and not waste the energy. That's why there are pre-workouts. Anyway so his son is like he use to be a bodybuilder and he says I use to be a bodybuilder. This is where I really had to bite my tongue. I wanted to say. Oh you use to be a bodybuilder. Well clearly you aren't now. I use to be 4' 3" and weigh less than 100 lbs. Doesn't make me a diet expert. As he was leaving my boss heard him tell his son that I didn't know what I was talking about. Well here is the thing I know what I'm talking about. He knows what he's talking about back in the day. Back in the day the thought was you need protein all the time. Yeah can you still build muscle taking protein before hand yeah you can. It's just you are going to be tired and not last as long so it will take longer. It's why I don't like talking to use tos. They are unable to realize that things change because science gets better. More research has been done on the body since they use to be bodybuilders or workout or play sports. Was not my day.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Deja Vu

The Casey Anthony case is for sure another case of OJ Simpson. I honestly told my roommate yesterday that this case is just like the OJ Simpson case. When saying that I meant that everyone is glued to the tv and twitter and facebook watching it. Well of course later on in the day the Jury found her not guilty which of course made me think wow how accurate was I on that. With the OJ trial I was so young that I don't remember all the details. I remember the televised chase in the white van and remember the trial being all over the news, but I don't remember specifics. Well this one I sure do. There are so many things that we all have questions about.
For one we all want to know what happened to Caylee. The thing is the prosecution couldn't really prove that Casey did it without a shadow of a doubt, but the defense didn't prove it was an accidental drowning either. I don't think we will know what happened until years later when Casey writes a book saying I didn't do it, but if I did here's how I'd do it. The not knowing part is what is going to haunt all of us. This poor little two year old died and no one knows how or why. If Casey did do it, then she has to live with that the rest of her life and after life. If she didn't do it then I must say she truly is twisted to have partied for 31 days while she was "grieving". Plus the parents must just be hurt. They lost their granddaughter and there will always be that nagging feeling that their daughter had something to do with it.
Next is what will happen to the family. I can't imagine that everything is just going to go back to normal. There is no doubt that Casey will not be able to go home. Not after saying her father and brother abused and raped her. At the same time I know they are torn because they are her parents. The sad thing is that Casey Anthony will be a rich woman when this is all said and done. She will get movie deals, a reality show, interviews, etc. That's the part I think doesn't sit well with people. Most of us get this feeling she did have something to do with her daughter's death, and in a way she will profit off it. That's the thing that makes me sick to my stomach. That there are hard working people out there that love and care for their kids and barely make enough to feed them, cloth them, and keep a roof over their head. This woman loses her daughter, is in jail for 3 years, has a very public trial, and comes out scott free and a millionaire. That's our country for you. The twisted become rich while the ones with morals suffer.
The other thing that bothers me is that there are people that assume since she was found not guilty that they believed the defense. No I don't think that's the case. I think that they didn't see evidence that put zero doubt in their heads that she did it. I don't think they believed the defense. It was a long shot to begin with and they showed no evidence to really prove it. I think the real reason she got off is because we (as a nation) are so obsessed with CSI and Criminal Minds, and Law and Order where they are so cut and dry. Everything fits together in the end. Real life isn't like that. It kinda shows that unless there is a recording of you doing it or every single thing shows you did it you won't be found guilty. Yeah that sounds dandy, but the thing is people do crimes and sometimes there is little evidence to prove that they did. Anyway the point is that the Jury did not say that they believed the defense's theory, they simply said she was not guilty. That means that based on the case the prosecution put forward did not put zero doubt in every single jurors mind. Don't ever get the two confused.
Lastly don't help this woman. Do not let this woman profit off her child's death. One tweet I retweeted said it well. By JSJakaDukeNukem "PLEASE DON'T buy magazines with Casey Anthony on the cover, DON'T watch movies about her, DON'T buy her book, DO NOT SUPPORT this insanity!" Just flat out don't let this woman make a penny of this. It's just flat out wrong.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Long 4th

It was a majorly long 4th for me. Well felt long, but really wasn't. Went to the gym and it was actually a lot busier than I thought it was. A trainer and her client was there. Also another lady was there. Luckily none of them bothered me on my chest day. When I got home I said screw it with my lizards. Then closer to lunch me and my roommate went to a craft store where we got tons more paints and crafts. So after lunch I stared on one of them. Took me 3 hours to complete without a break. Basically it's one of those 3-D puzzles.
I want to point out that the blox sais it was for 6+. So I figured it couldn't be too complicated. Well it was because the instructions don't exist. Basically they give you something on the back that has all the pieces numbered and you have to try to find the piece with the same number. And the only thing you have to look at to see if you are doing it right is the front image so it's very easy to do something wrong and not realize you did it wrong until the very end. Plus the wood is very flimsy so it easily breaks. By the time I finished I was ready to throw it up against the wall.

After that I was kinda pissy so my roommate suggested I just relax and watch the After the Catch special I recorded. Well I did and it calmed me down. I then also ate something and watched some of the Twilight Zone marathon. Then watched a DVD and went to bed. The part that seemed long was of course that puzzle.

Monday, July 4, 2011

The final countdown

In a week I'm heading back to texas for a visit. I'm so excited, but flying always makes me nervous. Just because lately you've been hearing about all these issues with flight. I will say they've only really been with Delta and Southwest who I'm not flying with. Especially Delta. Ugh Delta has to be the worst airline ever. The last 4 times I flew with them there were delays or horrible customer service or something. Just not worth flying with them again.
I'm also doing my PCT now. I will say I had the best sleep last night. Still had some strange dreams. Something about Scooby Doo, Teen Wolf, Rugrats, a new Nickelodeon show that I apparently made up, and creepy elves. Yep weird.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 30

Today is the final day of my cycle. Seems it took forever to get here. Last night I had a great night sleep. Apparently there was a bad storm and I didn't even realize it. So tomorrow starts my PCT and that should be fun. I'll also make sure I don't get sick.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 29

Tomorrow is my last day on my pro-hormone then I get to do my pct. I'm kinda excited, but nervous. Mainly because I have to find some new thing to blog about. It's also been an up and down road. My legs are starting to feel better. Hopefully when I do this next week it won't take so long to recover. The first time is always the hardest.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 28

Well I'm less sore then yesterday, but still sore. I had a crappy workout this morning. I tried a sample of a new pre-workout and wow it was terrible. I started yawning in the middle of it. Now I'm not sure if it's because my body is still recovering from the leg workout or if it was the pre-workout. I'll know tomorrow and the next time I try it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 27

Sadly the pro-hormone doesn't seem to help too much with recovering from being sore. I'm still recovering from those super low squats. Again I think it's worth it and the soreness will go down the more I do this, but damn does it hurt. Just a few more days of my stuff then I'm on my PCT. I need to make sure to weigh myself soon.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 26

I'M SO SORE! Today I did something different. I did squats, but I did the super low ones where your butt practically touches the ground. I know it's worth it, but I won't be sitting/walking properly for awhile. In the long run I'll have a lot stronger legs, but right now ow. The thing that really shocked me was that when I did this I cut the weight I normally squat with in half. So as I'm putting this 80 lbs on my shoulders I can't help, but think wow this is so light. Then as I'm really pushing through I realize holy crap 80 lbs is so heavy. Heavy in a good way where I do it properly, but I do get a good workout. When I get back up to 160 it's going to be amazing. My headache has also gone away. Think it was stress related.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 25

I forgot to post yesterday. I am not getting enough sleep. Seems like I can't sleep. Plus I have this nagging headache. I also tried to add Size On Pre-Contest to my supplements, but honestly I think I'm taking too much and it makes me so full that I can barely finish my protein so I'll have to take it at a different time. Ugh fun.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 23

Well things are winding down nicely. Well except my dreams. Swear those are getting stranger and stranger. I guess pretty soon I'll have to figure out my new thing to do. My cardio workout went fine. No one was there again. I do love summer since people get lazy and don't go to the gym, but I'm too cheap to not go to what I paid for.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 22

And everything is winding down nicely. Can't really complain. I will say that we got a new pro-hormone in and apparently it works quite well so I want to try that out, but I do have to do my pct and another liver cleanse. So that's the plan.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 21

Today was arm day and it was pretty good. Was pretty much alone in the back room again like I like. Seems like next week I'll be able to safely move up all my weights. I'm also changing up exercises. Right now I'm doing preacher curls, but the other day I was trying to think of a new tricep workout and I did the reverse curl. I liked how it worked my bicep so I'm going to take away the preacher curl. And at the end of next week should be the end of my propadrol. I'll be doing my pct. Hopefully the store will have the one I like to use.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 20

Hard to believe it's day 20 of my pro-hormone. It still causes me sweat a lot. Or it's the combo of my pro-hormone and my new pre-workout Nitroflex. I mean seems like my pits are always sweating and I'm always hot. Well just 10 more days of this. And my trip is almost here and I'm so ready for it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 19

Well the pro-hormone is going into over drive now. I swear my BO is super heavy. I'm sweating like no bodies buisness. I wore a shirt for like an hour took it off then put it on later on and it was still drenched. It's honestly amazing. Now it could also be because of the pre-workout I'm now taking which also is suppose to enhance testosterone. Just got to keep this going for 20 more days.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 18

Yep. Today is day 18. A lot of stuff happened today. Today I switched my pre-workout. This one doesn't have creatine in it which is actually a good thing for me. The reason being is next week I'm going to start taking Size On Pre-Contest. I took that stuff awhile ago and it really did seem to work and do what it said it was going to do. I think I have about 2 weeks worth of it left which means that I should run out by the time I go back to Texas. I also got measured. Per usual my body fat is up. It's not a terrible number. It's about 8%. That's not terrible, but in the winter I'm down near 5 and 4. I am however at my heaviest. Not only that, but my bicep finally hit 15 inches. That is a first for me. So I'm hoping that when my body fat goes down that bicep will stay about 15. This will for sure be interesting.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 17

Yesterday was a pretty interesting day. Think my emotions were backed up and as a result when I got to release them I was probably a little meanier then I meant to be. Then again I did need to be blunt to get it off my system and let the person know that I'm not playing around. Probably won't see him online for awhile. I don't plan on apologize. The reason being is that well he was in the wrong and he knows it. As for today ab workout for me.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 16

Today is the 16th day meaning I have 14 more days to go before this stuff is done. Seems like I've kinda peeked on this stuff. Doesn't seem like there are anymore surprises that I can expect.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 15

Well I'm sore from my chest workout yesterday which is the first time since I've started taking this stuff. I had a terrible dream last night. The joy of a pro-hormone. Other than that again I'm kinda use to the stuff now.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 14

I don't think I've masted the mind muscle connection with my chest. I had a good workout yes, but I couldn't do what I did with my legs. Now I did have a good chest workout. Felt like I worked a whole lot better than I have ever worked it, but I couldn't pin point things like I did with my legs. I think the muscle groups I have a better connection with are my legs and back. So we'll see how that goes tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 13

Yep today is day 13. Today I didn't get to go for my walk or really do anything because 1. it was raining and 2 I didn't seem to want to get up this morning. Other than that nothing big is really going on. Can't wait to hit the gym tomorrow because I get to test out that mind muscle connection some more.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

No this is day 12

Ok eventually I'll get it right. Anyway today was my leg workout day. It was an interesting day. I was doing leg press and it didn't feel like my lef leg was getting a good workout. So I kinda pin pointed it and I felt it. It was weird. I was able to do it during my whole workout. It's like I finally got that mind muscle connection that you hear and read about. Can't wait to try it on other muscle groups. I don't know if it's as a result of the pro-hormone or if it's a result of me working out for over a year. Either way it's really cool.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 12

Well I think again I notice some physical differences. It looks like I have lost quite a bit of fat and gained a good bit of muscle. Now it's not like I had a whole lot of fat to lose to begin with. I mean my body fat at last check was 7.83%. That's not a whole lot. I'm still in the lean bracket. The only thing is that my body fat has been staying around the 5-6% mark and I think it's back down there now. Strength seems like it's good and steady. I'm not super tired after a workout. My arms also look like they are more defined. Like there is a clear line between my bicep and my tricep. It just looks different really. Even when my arm is extended you can tell where it is which hasn't really happened before. Veins are popping up everywhere on my arm. Makes it hard to tell if I'm simply dehydrated or if they are just popping out. Also started out my day with a different breakfast. I actually had a smoothie. I like smoothies, but they are so time consuming to make. I got this smoothie mix and it made a pretty darn good smoothie. I also weighed myself and I weight more now than I have ever weighed. I'm just hoping I can keep that going. I'd like to weight at least 170 by the end of the year. Would like to keep the body fat below 7%, but the main goal is to hit that 170.
Mood wise I think I've settled down again. Don't feel like I'm so irritable. Now there are certain things that still piss me off, but they were things I couldn't stand when I wasn't on a pro-hormone. Now it's just at a heightened pitch. For instance my roommate wanting to have conversations while I'm watching TV or doing my ab workout. Least I don't want to throw him out the window like I have been wanted to do these past few days. As for my "friend" who can't seem to make up his mind. I'm actually doing better with that. I've just said screw it he's not going to change. I have a life to live and it is not centered around him. So if he can't so much as say hello then screw him.
I also got exactly 4 weeks before my trip now. That means it's getting close to crunch time. Pretty soon I'll have to start penciling people in after my parents. Should be interesting. Hopefully I won't be doing too much sitting around on my trip. Seems so boring to go back home to visit just to sit at home doing nothing.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Acutal Day 10

I realized yesterday was actually day 9 and instead of going to fix it I just say screw it. Well again I'm having really strange and vivid dreams. I can recall the later part and then as I'm replaying it I remember more and more of the other part. As for today I'm doing my ab workout which means I'm taking my stuff later on. I'll also be battling a headache coming soon.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 10

Not too much to report. Seems like I got my rage under control. Workouts are going good. That's really all I got.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 8

Also known as a week since I started. I will say yesterday I got very very irritable. I mean I was getting ready to leave work and I wanted to punch a metal door. I mean I really almost did it. Mainly because it was a slow day, the customers I did get were jerks, and I'm done being a door mat for someone. So I was just pissy. Then my roommate decides he wants to have a deep conversation with me as I'm watching World's Dumbest which pissed me off more. Yeah I think my pro-hormone is working. That's usually the last sign of it working. Getting pretty irritable.
As for my leg workout today I was completely shocked. I was able to just breeze through my workout. I didn't feel like I was very fatigued. Felt like I could have done more. In fact on my leg extensions I accidentally pushed the weight up by 10 instead of 5 like I usually do. I mean I pushed out 3 sets of 12 no problem. When I realized my mistake I was already done so I did the same thing with my leg curls and almost did 3 sets of 12. Only 2 and a set of 10. It will for sure be interesting.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 7

Day 7 of my pro-hormone and I really do feel like it's working. I mean sleep is really heavy with very vivid dreams. The only difference is that I'm not sleeping as long as I should, but the fact that the little sleep I have is so heavy it feels like I'm not tired throughout the day. My workouts are going good. I'm horny a lot of the time which tells me it's working. Does seem like I'm hot all the time. My roommate keeps telling me that. He can't even sit next to me without needing to cool down. I'm sweating all the time too. Seems like I am burning a lot of fat. Seems like My abs are a lot more visible. Might have to take a picture of me at the end of the cycle. Wish I took a before picture. Then take a mid-way picture, then an after.
So I figured I need to shed some light on something. A pro-hormone is NOT a steroid. It is not a direct injection or consumption of a steroid. A pro-hormone basically gives your body the building blocks to make testosterone quicker. It does not shut down your production. Now yes you may produce a bit less, but you still produce some. That's why when you finish a cycle you take a test booster to rev up your natural production of it. It also helps to make sure that all the extra test doesn't get converted into estrogen.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 6

Today I just did a 15 minute walk so that I felt like I did something. Whenever I don't do some sort of workout on a Wednesday I feel like crap. Hopefully I feel better later today. That's pretty much it with me today.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's day 5

Day 5 and I did another back and shoulder workout. Again it felt like I was really working my back. I swear my back and legs are the first body parts to react to anythihng. I got out of bed and felt my leg and it just feels fuller. Had a good workout today. Seemed like a just blew through my workout. Seems like I didn't have to rest as long. In reality it was probably as long as a normal workout. I'm still throwing out heat like it's going out of style. Can't wait to see what happens when I finisht his scycle.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day number 4

So today number 4. I believe it's working. I seem to be sweating a lot. It's not an all over sweat. It's mainly around my stomach which has the most body fat. I think that means that fats is being burned and creating a lot of heat. I'm having tons of crazy dreams. And it's not just crazy dreams, seems like I get super deep sleep even though I may only sleep for 2 or 3 hours at a time. I'm also getting a bit more horny. Which is like the big sign that it's working. Can't wait to get measured.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day number 3

I haven't taken my pro-hormone yet because of the fact that I haven't worked out yet. Yesterday was a crappy day. I think it was more to do with the fact that the networks I use at work weren't working. Then someone who promised that we'd chat ended up not chatting with me. That's pretty much the only big thing. I will say that at some point in the day I suddenly felt better. Don't know why.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day #2

So today is the 2nd day of my cycle. I will say that last night I had some odd dreams which usually happens when I'm on a pro-hormone. It was so vivid to. Anyway don't feel sore from yesterday's workout. That is good. I don't feel moody. In fact I think I'm in a bit of a better mood then I have been in the past few days. I also decided to do something on my ab workout that I haven't done. I've been doing crunches and all that stuff for awhile and I think I hit a plateau. So now I'm going to add a 5 lb plate and ankle weights. The ankle weights are more for when I do the leg lifts for my lower abs. I was reading in a fitness magazine that if you want deeper cuts in your abs that you should try adding some weights. The thing with my abs is they are the abs that are more internal than external. Those models that seem to have abs that pop are those that have abs that are more external. In order for me to get a visible 6 pack (more so than now), is the lower my body fat to like 2% and/or lose like 10 lbs and make sure it's only fat which I don't even think I have on my body. Think I only have like 8-9 lbs of body fat. So it's not worth doing that, but possibly making deeper cuts might make them more visible. I mean my abs are a hell of a lot more visible than when I first started. Especially in adding an ab workout. I'll keep everyone updated of course.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 1

Today is the first day of my pro-hormone cycle. So how do I feel about it so far. Well I will say that it seemed like when I was working out today I really felt more of my muscles getting worked meaning my concenration was a lot higher. Didn't seem to get too tired out either. It was a good day. The pompous trainer and his client didn't show up which meant I had the back all to myself which was nice. Tomorrow I'll have a better idea of how it helps with my recovery. I'm assuming I won't be so sore. Not that I get very sore now. I'll also give a heads up on any mood changes with my twitter account.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Good start

Today I hit the gym again today and I had a really good chest workout. It's kinda shocking. I didn't do anything special, but I'm not complaining. It was pretty empty too which also made me feel good. Tomorrow I begin my pro-hormone cycle and that will be interesting. I'm suppose to take 4 pills once daily, but I'll be splitting it up. I'll take 2 with my pre-workout and Kre-Alkalyn and then 2 with my protein. So Yeah I get 4 within an hour and half. Just figured I'd get the most out of it that way. I also established that on Wednesdays I'm going to do something. Wednesdays I drag like no other. I feel like I'm really moody or unengaged with customers. I'm tired all the time. So that means I'm just going to do something in the morning to get the blood flowing. It can be just a 15 minute walk or some isometic exercises. I figure that will get the blood flowing and still give my body the rest it deserves.
Speaking of the gym I'm apparently on the top 10 people that visited the gym in May. That's actually pretty interesting. I clocked 23 visits. The funny thing is the last 4 months that would have put me towards the bottom of the list not towards the top. I think it's like what my co-worker said about his own gym. Come January all the newbies sign up and go in all gung ho. Then as the summer approaches they all start disappearing. And it's not just the newbies. Everyone that was kinda stuck inside go out and spend most of their time outdoors. Well the thing about me is I am super frugal. My gym dues are like 35 or 34 bucks. So if I'm only there like 5 times that's 7 bucks a trip, but if I go in a lot more each trip is basically a lot less. Plus I feel so much better when I workout. Spending money on this makes me go out and really use the service. Being cheap is the best thing to happen to my body.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ok trying again

I really do need to get back into the habit of blogging. Honestly it was good for me. Well today will be the first day of a month long blog series hopefully. In 41 days I'll be heading back to Texas for a visit. Well maybe it's 40 days. I'm leaving on July 11th. Anyway I'm making sure I'm in good shape come then. So that means on the 3rd (Friday) I'm starting a 30 day pro-hormone cycle. Should be interesting. Currently I'm up to 168 lbs which is nice. On the 20th I'll get measured to see how my body fat composition is and by then I'll know if it's working. It will be interesting that's for sure.
I'll also have to keep up with any wild mood swings or increased energy I get. Like I said I'll try my best to stay on this, but I make no promises.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Feeling like yelling

So much has gone on this weekend and today that I feel like yelling at everyone. I guess the best thing to do is to get it all out.
1st the Saturday doomsday prediction. I'm so angry for the people that gave away everything and spent all this money based on this guy's prediciton. A prediction he made once before and was wrong. I mean the guy hasn't come out to say something one way or another. I know what's going to happen. He's going to pull what they all pull and say because we were so faithful god must have changed his mind. Or that we need more people to be faithful so that we have 200 million people to rapture. Honestly whatever he says I wish people would stop blindly following people. Of course people are going to keep following people though. Just amazes me how easily people are to think the wold is going to end. I guess because it gives them a sense of knowing when the end is. Just when I hear the stories that people quit their jobs, drained all of their savings, moved to California to find out that it didn't happen.
The other thing that got me to want to yell is that Red Hat was at the gym again. I have no clue what the hell this guy's problem is. I go into the gym and I hear him in the back using the smith machine for the bench press. Well when I finally get back there he's still on it so I use the cables. Well he finishes and does he wipe down the bench. Of course not that would be a nice thing to do. So I wipe it down before I use it and I know he saw me. Then I wiped it after I finished which I know he saw too. Then when I got the decline bench again I know he saw me wipe it down before and after. Yet he will wipe down the other machines like the tricep extension or any other machines out on the floor.
Two things that happened to me on the way to work today. I'm on a street getting ready to make a left turn at the stop light. There is a truck in front of me. The light is red It's a three way intersection so the red light is for us. He pulls his truck into the intersection. No joke. Then realizes that he can't go and backs up. Lucky for me I didn't move up any so when he backed up he didn't hit me. Then when the light turns green he just sits there so I have to honk my horn. Then as I'm pulling into work a woman decides that she wants to walk across the street. She saw me and decides I'm going to walk anyway and make sure I walk really really slowly.
Last night I get a call from my dad saying my mom has written a letter. In the letter my mom apparently says that my dad should send me money. More specifically money for a new car, my trip down to Texas, and to start college. She also said that we should sit down and discuss my future. Well my dad and I think alike. We are more rationally people. We react to things people tell us not so much what people tell us that other people said. Don't get me wrong. I do talk to my dad, but I do talk to my mom every week. Well lately our conversations have gotten shorter and shorter and I don't think she really hears me when I say things. She told my dad that my car is constantly breaking down. No that's not true. My car broke down once or twice, but hasn't since I got the repairs. Then I got new brakes and tires. That is a maintenance thing. That's not a break down thing. She then said something that made my dad have to ask me if I want to come home this summer. Honestly I do. He said ok, do I need to send you money because your mom is saying that you need money for the trip. No I don't because the tickets have already been purchased and paid for. He then asked me about this sit down. He said I know you told me that your mom and grandma have been pushing you to go back to college. I said that's true. He said well hey it's your future. If you want to go back to school then go for it. If you don't then you don't have to. It's your future. The more I talk to my mom the more I realize we are very different and not as close as I thought we were.
Finally is something that really frustrates me. If you live here in the United States speak and understand English. I'm not being racist or anything. I'm being realistic. Think about it. How can you get help on anything if you can't communicate? If I'm going to Spain I'm either going to have a translator or at least speak and understand enough Spanish to get around. It frustrates me having to wait on someone that I can't understand or can't understand me. Part of my job is finding the right product for the person. If a person wants a pre-workout to get the best pump then I know what to recommend. If they are looking for something to help with headaches I ask them about the headaches to make sure I get the right thing. If the person speaks broken English then I can't really help them. I can't answer their questions because I don't know what the question is they are asking. I can't recommend things because when I ask the question they don't understand. It's not fair to them and it's not fair to me. I end up giving up and just telling them to go with something simple. And that's not fair to them because they may want something stronger. It's like when you go to the doctor. If you can't describe your symptoms to the doctor or show them where the pain is they just guess and sometimes get it wrong. It's just in everyone's best interest if you can speak and understand English. Especially if you are in the food industry. I can't tell you how many times I had someone wait on me who couldn't speak English and got my order wrong.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Where is the logic

Today I'm just in a ranting mood. I guess I'll start with the people working on the street in my neighborhood. The street they are working on is one of the streets parallel to the highway. Well they decided to block it off so there is no way to get to the highway from where I am or get to my apartment from the highway, so I have to go around the back which tacks on another 10 minutes maybe even 20. Did they give anyone a heads up when they were going to do it? Of course not. Were there any signs up nope, but now there are. Thanks a lot.
Now about this end of the world thing on Saturday. There are two things I'd like to point out. 1. the guy predicted the end of the world in 1994. 2. The guy is 89 years old. I can honestly say I don't think he's in his right mind. Not to mention that we've had so many people tell us when the end of the world is and they've been wrong. If he's right then I'll take it when it comes. If he's wrong (bet he is) life goes on and we make even more fun of him. The fun thing about being human is that we don't know when we will die or when the world will end. That means we enjoy life, but every time someone comes around saying the world is going to end next week people can't help but focus on it. If the world ends it does. If it doesn't we move on.
And that brings us back to the pompous trainer. He was working his client again. The thing is every time he comes in I can't help but look at him because he takes up so much space and not in a good way. I couldn't help, but notice how oddly shaped he is. He was wearing shorts and he has tiny legs. Well I knew that. Well this time he was wearing a short sleeve short and I realized he has tiny arms too. The only thing big on him is his chest and stomach. And his stomach is starting to become bigger. I just can't help, but think about his new years proclamation (that's what my gym called it). He wanted to gain 20 lbs of muscle by June. I'm sure he's close to gaining 20 lbs, but it surely is not muscle. Then I thought about the fact that him and another trainer want to do a boot camp. I think honestly he does need a boot camp, but does not need to be the one giving it. I can't imagine him doing even 10 minutes of a boot camp. He'd honestly just be a guy sitting there yelling at people while they workout. I just find it so ironic that he's a trainer that is so out of shape. I'm not saying that a trainer has to be a bodybuilder, but at least in shape. Looks like they can survive a boot camp workout. That look like they can run a marathon. Not someone who has a gut and no arms and legs. My friend says he looks like a robin. All breast and no legs.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Back to blogging

Yesterday I was going to blog, but forgot then went to go blog and blogger decides to fuck up. I kinda needed to blow off some steam. Had a terrible Wednesday. Anyway I do need to get back into the swing of blogging. It does help me from exploding. Or I can only blog when I'm getting ready to explode. That works too.
Yesterday and Today were good workout days. Not too many people to trip over. No Red Hat which of course meant I could actually do my workout in peace. Today the pompous trainer's client came in, but no pompous trainer. That meant I got to have a good leg workout. Went back to a pre-workout I like on Thursday. Will say the Jet Fuse spoiled me. I mean it mixed up great and tasted great. The MPR pump doesn't do either of those. It does provide a great pump and workout.
May is moving by so fast compared to April. April seemed like such a terribly slow month. I think maybe because it was such a cold month. So much snow kept falling. I had a lot to do at work because of all the stuff that happened to my boss' wife. She's doing much better and I think that's another reason why May is going a lot better. The other reason is because in July I'm heading back home. I'm sure in a way that seems to speed things along too. My boss is kinda the one that reminded me of that. I mean it's almost the 15th meaning this month is almost half over.
I'm thinking I'm going to have to change the format of this blog. Meh I'll worry about that later. Maybe add a formspring thing.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Fed up

Today when I went to the gym I was a jerk. I know I was a jerk because I did things I normally don't do. I had to deal with weight hog and red hat today. I think having to deal with those two on my chest workout day is what sent me over the edge. I get in there and I just skipped the warm up. Really shouldn't have, but I wanted to get my workout done. As I'm doing the dips I see that weight hog is basically going in between three different exercises. Oh no that wasn't going to stand. He's using the smith machine (which I needed) then the dumbbells and then doing floor stuff. So once I finished my dips. I waited a little bit. He didn't come in so I used the smith machine. Normally I can wait. I have no problem waiting because I do have other things to do, but I wanted to send a message. That message was if you are going to super set be next to the thing you are using. Or finish on a machine before you move on. Well pretty sure the guy got the message. He didn't say anything when he came back to see me on there. I had decided I'd just use the smith machine for my incline and regular bench then get off and if it was available go to the decline. Well then red hat comes back there. And he's kinda eyeballing the smith machine. I just thought you know what no. This guy hogs the smith machine all the time. And he doesn't do anything on it really. He'll do a few reps then walk around the back then go get water then look at the tv then finally come back to it. So I thought no I'm just going to finish up. As I was finishing up weight hog decides to use the cables which again was fine because I wasn't using them. I was going to use them next, but not at that moment. And again he uses that cable then goes and does more stuff on the floor. I finish up and start wiping the bench and I see him stretching so I say ok you are done and I take over again. I think I've just reached that point when I just do not want to deal with these assholes anymore.
Yesterday was a marathon of World's Strongest man. Yeah on Mother's day go figure. Well anyway me and my roommate where watching it. They were doing a deadlift. This guy from Poland was up and I just looked at his legs and said wow he has tiny legs. His legs were seriously the size of my legs which isn't a terrible thing if you are me. The guy has a massive upper body. I just kept thinking whatever happened to training the lower body? There are muscles there too. You can't be the world's strongest with bird legs. Especially after the three events they had in a row. A farmer's walk, power stairs, and then that dead lift. Then again when you look at most strongmen and power lifters they have massive upper bodies, but tiny legs. Well power lifters aren't really going for the look. It's more of the strength aspect. Kinda like that pompous trainer at the gym.
Mother's day was again another normal Sunday for me. Laundry then groceries, then workout because by this time my caffeine headache is unbearable, then calling my mom. I don't ever do anything really out of the ordinary when it comes to Sundays or Holidays. I like routine. Yeah I shake it up from time to time, but that's only when there is something fun to do. It's still not truly spring yet. That means nothing really for me to do.
Today's tip is even the most patient person has their limit. Those are the ones that really freakout when pissed off.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Ok back to blogging

Trying to get back into blogging. Think it helps me blow off steam. A lot has really gone on lately. My workouts are really starting to get really intense. Seems like I'm getting really sore. I swear people pissing me off in the gym is the best thing for my workouts. I put myself into my workout 150%. I mean I've never worked my chest or legs as hard as I did the past two times. Least today I didn't have to worry about the pompous trainer and his client. I swear whenever my workout partner doesn't come in no one else does.
A lot of stuff has been going on with work. It was senior day on Wednesday. We had tons of stuff to order and receive in. Should really be interesting next week going from 100 mph to 50. There will be stuff to order, but it won't be so crammed together.
The special election is finally over so that means no more political ads for a bit. The thing I love about this election is the guy that was mud slinging lost. Hopefully this sends a message to everyone planning on running that if all you do is mud sling and don't say why you are good for the job then you won't get elected. That's all that the guy did. I really never heard a single reason why he was going to be good for the job. All he kept saying is we need to create jobs and I'm in a business that does that. The thing is that he's in house construction. Which doesn't really create jobs. It keeps the people working for him employed. Doesn't create new positions. On top of that he never said how we could create jobs. Then he said that his opponent kept raising taxes and his pay despite the fact that our county had the 5th lowest taxes.
Last night my mom got my mother's day package and of course opened it up early. She was so happy. She loved the card I gave her and the fact that I put Mommy on the card and used a heart for the o. I think that was the best part of the gift that I did that.
Time for a new episode of Yu-Gi-Oh abridged. In this episode stuff happens. It was funny. It will make you laugh. Yeah. Today's tip is sometimes it's the little things that we do for people that get the biggest reactions.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Been feeling meh

Specifically about blogging. Haven't really felt like blogging in awhile. Seems like my blog posts are filled with the same things over and over and over again. So I've kinda been holding off on it. Well today I feel like blogging. Mainly because April is over and it's been such a long ass month that I have not wanted to do anything.
Let's see. Saturday I went to the gym and it was shockingly busy. I got my workout buddy to join me because I told him last week no one showed up at the time I went. Well of course he shows up and so does everyone. Red hat was even there and we hadn't seen him the entire week. Then today I had my arm workout and I didn't see red hat, but a lot of people were there. Well more so then last week. Maybe since it was the end of the month everyone was figuring I'll just start fresh next month. Might be very busy the next two weeks. On a side note my arms have dimples. I've never seen that before. It's at the top of the bicep. Kinda right where the arm connects to the shoulder. Very odd.
Speaking of odd I was looking up at the tv on ESPN and I see this heading saying Bin Laden is dead. Found that odd because well ESPN isn't a news network. It's a sports news network. Then they showed people at a game tweeting and texting it and it made sense. Now I know this sounds negative, but well in our day and age we are use to it. I just wonder how is Fox and Friends going to spin this as a negative thing, or not as something that happened thanks to the Obama administration. That's really all the republican party has been doing. Trying to discredit him or blame him for every little thing. If anything positive happens (like economic growth of any kind) it's thanks to business or them for giving tax cuts. It's never thanks to anything the Obama administration has done. Economist have been saying for a year now that thanks to Obama we avoided a depression. Wish I saved the photo that I saw on lol snaps about politicians and voters.
Now again here is a somewhat negative statement. I wish he wasn't dead. I wish that Bin Laden had been taken in. Given a trail and forced to spend the rest of his life in prison. The reason for that is that you get put in prison with all these crazy people. You never know when some of them will snap. You never know if the guards will get to you quickly enough to save you if you get stabbed. If you just listen to the stories people who've been to prison have to tell you it's scary. And spending the rest of your life constantly on your guard is torture enough.
Yesterday I watched Ninja Warrior. I always enjoy watching that because it amazes me that people put so much effort into this event that happens twice a year. Men have quit there jobs to focus on training for these events. They spend so much money to build replicas for them to practice on. And it's all over in one day. And because of that dedication you root for them. You hope they make it. You hope that the training pays off. Then you see how the designers changed the course. Making things insanely hard so that no one can pass. Yeah it needs to be hard, but not impossible and that's what it always seems like.
Today's tip is the truly positive see the glass half full of liquid and half full of air. The truly negative find it pointless to talk about glasses.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Anything but Friday

Not looking forward to tomorrow. As we all know tomorrow is the stupid royal wedding. I honestly could not care less about it. It's going to be all that any news station will be talking about. It will be all anyone tweets or facebooks about. On the plus side least I won't have to hear about it everyday. Well maybe not for the first week. Just wish we could focus on anything else.
I'm sure you all heard that President Obama released his full birth certificate. God can republicans make up their god damn mind. Ever since Donald Trump wouldn't shut up about it no issues can be talked about. Tons of people kept saying that he wasn't an American citizen. Even with all the evidence that shows that he was. The certificate that was put online. Then Trump says thanks to him the issue is finally put to a close. Oh that is the biggest bullshit ever. Thanks to him it became so big that Obama had to take time out of his schedule to address your dumbass. Plus you sent investigators to Hawaii to prove he wasn't born there. Shockingly we never did hear about what they found. Mainly because they found what everyone else found. He is an American citizen born in Hawaii. Then Fox news says that Obama should focus on the issues. You assholes are the ones that kept making an issue out of it. I HATE POLITICS!
Today's tip is life is full of risks. If it wasn't it wouldn't be as fun. Like a roller coaster.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

And now it's rainy

Yesterday was such a nice day. Sunny most of the day. Today is just rain and gloom. And of course my car leaks. So going to the gym was tons of fun. Least no one was really there. Well no one that got in my way. Then again I was doing back and shoulders which doesn't really require a whole lot of equipment. Plus I'm more patient when I'm doing back and shoulders since it is the most defined part of my body. It reacts the most intensely of any body part. Followed by my legs. My arms and chest are the slowest. Don't know which is slower.
Don't know what I'll be doing today. Yesterday was such a busy day that it might slow down with the rain. We'll see. I just know I'm ready for spring to happen. Enough of this early march crap. I want to finally have a week of 70's. Be nice to wear shorts again.
Today's tip is procrastination is always a risky thing. Especially if you are terrible at finishing things under pressure. You know who you are.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Well that wasn't fun

Well my Easter Sunday was like any other Sunday. Involved me going to the grocery store, doing my laundry, and doing my ab workout. I honestly don't really do holidays. Why should I change up my routine just because the calender says hey it's a holiday. Holidays just don't excite me anymore. Even as a kid I got to the point where I saw that a holiday is no big deal. Usually means I just don't have to go to school. See as a child I hung out with older kids who demystified holidays (among other things) for me. I knew pretty early that there (if you still hold onto your childhood don't read this part) is no Easter bunny. No Santa Claus. No Tooth Fairy. So pretty early on I lost that since of wonderment. Then on top of that my family stopped doing things. For Christmas and Easter we use to make cookies, but soon that stopped because my brother insisted on it. Then with that holidays just became regular days. Plus by this time I knew my family wasn't going to stay the same for too much longer. Parents always seemed to fight. My mom suffered depression. There was no love between them. So I guess for me holidays lost their luster.
Speaking of them losing their luster. Some kids in my apartment complex thought it would be funny to pull the fire alarm. All of a sudden an alarm goes off. My apartment is right above the laundry room and we hear alarms going off all the time. Well you step outside and quite quickly you learn that it's the fire alarm. Well me and my roommate looked around and couldn't see if there was smoke or a fire anywhere. Well the fire fighters and police showed up. They didn't see anything either. Well they found that upstairs the fire alarm was pulled. And it's not one of those that you could just bump and have go off. You have to break a seal and pull it. They assume it was some kids that pulled it. I just wonder who has to pay for it. I bet unless someone confesses all the tenants have to pay it. That just pisses me off because they assume it was some kids and I obviously don't have any.
I'm currently having a great day. Today was my chest workout. I saw that the sun was out. That usually means that everyone goes into the gym. Well no one was there. Only 1 person showed up by the time I left. That meant I could do a full chest workout without being disturbed. That made me feel good. I then got measured today and my body fat is down and and my weight and lean body mass is up. My boss mentioned I looked bigger, but I figured that I was just getting fat from all the pizza and fast food. Turns out no which is great. Making me wonder if I was retaining water from some of those pro-hormones. Or maybe I've finally had 165 be my new plateau weight which is nice. So I'm on top of the world.
At the gym I heard this song. Then I heard it again at work. So of course I have to post it. I'm sure you all have heard Rolling in the Deep by Adele. If you haven't well you're missing out. She has such an amazing voice. She even performed on the Today show and I mean how she sounds in the music video is how she sounded. That is very very rare. I finally found the name of this song like Friday. I hear it all the time, but I never knew what it was called. One of the downsides to not paying attention when they introduced her on the Today show. Today's tip is pay it forward because paying backwards just looks silly.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday off...sort of

I have to work part of the day today. My boss has to leave early to pick up his wife. It's been a long April. Least it's almost May. And with it almost May the weather will improve and I'll be one Month closer to my vacation back home.
Today I realized I need to do more cardio. I couldn't even ride on the bike for a full 30 minutes. So I'm going to be adding that to my workout. I would walk at night, but it's still not warm enough to do that. Just sucks feeling so out of shape. So I rode the bike for like 18 minutes. Stretched for a while then did the stair climber and walked it off.
I bet I'll forget tomorrow is easter.
Today's tip is yawning is the body's way to stay awake. It's also a makeshift basketball hoop.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

It's good friday. Meaning it's a holiday. Although if you looked around today you wouldn't know it. There is tons of construction going on. Mainly because I'm sure they are trying to get caught back up after all that snow. Very interesting.
Today was another quiet gym day. Got most of my stuff done before the pompous trainer and his client showed up. I really do not understand why people pay him to train them. He is not a source of motivation. And on top of that he doesn't watch his clients. Here is today's example. I'm sure we all know about sit ups. Well for the longest time trainers and magazines have been saying do not actually sit up. You are actually just crunch the abs. That's why they stop calling them sit ups because it hurts your back. If he was a decent trainer he would know that.
Speaking of things that don't belong in the gym, I saw the weirdest infomercial. At the gym there are 3 tvs. 1 is on ESPN the other is on the Fox sports network and the other is on VH1. Well the Fox sports one has infomercials on until 7. So I was finishing up my warm up bike run when I look at that tv and I see this couple going at it. Yeah I mean having sex. Then I'm like what the hell is going on. I look at the clock and I see ok this is an infomercial. Turns out it's for this new male enhancement product. Wow just wow.
Ok this is by far the best SMA bloopers ever. Mainly because this was a really funny episode. These are bloopers for episode 17 and 18. Episode 17 is with that lesbian artist who is also a southern belle. If you haven't seen that episode of SMA go watch it now this watch this blooper. It makes you laugh even harder. I was watching it at work and I nearly choked to death. I was also crying I was laughing so hard. And of course it was at the part where you expected there to be tons of bloopers. Again watch the episode and you'll see what I mean. So if you are in need a good laugh watch it. And the last few minutes are from episode 18 which is not as good as 17 bloopers. Today's tip is nothing lasts forever. Except that embarrassing memory that your friend never let's you live down. Yeah that one.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Yeah that's all I have to say. Yesterday was just a long day. I'm pretty sure that a friendship is coming to an end. Just done dealing with it honestly.
The gym was quiet. Blah blah blah. Honestly just not feeling it today. Maybe I'll blog more tomorrow. Probably not. Today's tip is actions speak louder than words. Mainly because speaking is an action louder than an abstract idea of word.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why do I expect different?

I don't know why expect people to change. I'm officially sick of being disappointed. That's why I use to be a pessimist. Well I guess more realist, because I did expect the worst and hoped for the best. From now on my "friends" have to talk to me first. I'm done reaching out and having them just ignore me. I just honestly I'm so done with the people in my life. Well not all of them. Just the ones that say they are there for me and they love to ignore me.
A game that I kinda wanted to play, but really didn't was Jak 3. In Jak 2 the big deal was that you could become Dark Jak. In Jak 3 they introduced a Light Jak. So I figured I'd post a video posted to show how to get Light Jak. I'll have to find a video to show the different things Light Jak could do. You can see one of Dark Jak's attacks in this clip so I'm not so worried about that one. Today's tip is expect the worst and hope for the best. Keeps you from getting too down or overly excited.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What is up with that?

I had the most random dream last night. I mean I have no clue what brought up any of it. The earliest part I can remember was being a myth buster. Haven't even seen the show in awhile. Then again I have seen previews for it on discovery. Anyway we didn't bust any myths or anything. We were getting ready to bust one. Don't even know what it was. Actually I'm pretty sure it wasn't a myth, but a science experience. Then all of a sudden I was at lunch with two people I knew from elementary school. We were having a great time then all of a sudden they turned on me. Tried to steal my cell phone and we drew knives on each other. Then all of a sudden I'm watching the X-men. They are all being sucked into another room. The only one that wasn't was Kitty Pryde. And it turns out that it's this mutant that's all red. Kinda looks like Naruto when he got those 4 tails minus the tails. Then all of a sudden I was Kitty. And I hear him say Kitty Pryde. Can phase through any solid object. Then all of a sudden I couldn't phase through anything. Then I start running and keep trying to phase. Then I realize this is a dream. Well Kitty realizes she's having a dream. And then all of a sudden she (me still in her body) turns into the pink power ranger. Then I woke up. I have a crazy mind.
Leg day at the gym. Lucky for me Red Hat was more out of it then usual. Stayed out of my way. It was busy again this morning. Worrying about Thursday. Might scope out tomorrow and do my chest workout tomorrow.
Just in case you didn't get enough of DBZ abridged then here you go. The new episode 22. This one is where Goku fights Captian Ginyu. Yeah. It's funny. Still like 21 better though. Today's tip is paranoia is like a high speed car chase. Only fun when it's happening on TV or the movies and not to you.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Morning off

My boss thanked me for all my hard work by giving me the morning off. Which honestly is so nice. I've had to work all day Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I usually work all day Monday, but he said no no you've done so much. Come in at 1. You are probably going to have to do it again some time this week and for the next couple of weeks. Plus I get Saturday off which is nice.
Today was arm day. And it would have been fine if Red Hat wasn't there again. That man seriously needs a reality check. So he goes back there to use the Smith Machine for bench press. Well the last time he did that he spent like 20 minutes doing it. Well he spent like 5 minutes and moved to the power rack. And every time he "rests" between sets he walks around. He just looks like he's in a daze. Plus he never wipes up after himself. I so want to yell at him every time he's done. I know it's a hopeless case though.
Found out that I missed out on an episode of DBZ abridged. They posted episode 22 and I'm like what a second what happened to episode 21. Turns out it was posted a month ago. It's pretty damn funny. So many good quotes. Check it out. Today's tip is music soothes the savage beast. Unless it's bad music. In that case get the hell out of there.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Got something to do

No turns out I don't. It's Sunday. Yeah just the typical stuff. Ugh....Sundays. So I played Jak and Daxtar 2. I never played number 1. Honestly number 2 is it's own game. I never did finish the game. So I found someone that did and well I'm posting it. It even includes the final boss battle. My brother then got the 3rd game when he never finished the 2nd game. He was in fact further off then I was. Oh well. Today's tip is you can either face a problem head on or avoid it. The latter saves on head and neck aches.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

End of a long week

I honestly have had a week that has been a pain in the ass. Tons to do at work. Tons of people just beign rude. Dealing with a "friend" who has been ignoring me. I really think I'm just going to avoid talking to him for a day or so. He seemed to have no trouble doing it to me. It's no secret that I have quite a few pet peeves. Well when you mix two it really irritates me. My first pet peeve is people that buy something in the store and then decide they want to walk around and continue to look. The other is when I hear a "use to" story. That's basically when someone tells me all the things they use to be able to do or what they use to look like. Well I got that the other day. This guy is a talker. And he'll talk and talk and talk. Well he buys something and looked like he was going to leave. Then all of a sudden he picks up one of the magazines and looks at the back and said I use to look like this. Well that caused me to roll my eyes. And he went on and on about how he didn't workout, but had a great body. And that he didn't know how good he looked. People would comment, but he didn't see it. Blah blah blah. And he just wouldn't stop talking about it. All his story basically told me was that he clearly can't take a hint. I don't want to hear about things you use to be able to do. It has nothing to do with me at this point. I go to the gym. I workout. Took him like 10 minutes to finally leave. And he only left because someone came in. Took long enough for that to happen. I was praying that someone would enter. One of the downsides to waiting on seniors. They fill the need to tell you everything that happened in their life for some reason. Sometimes I can listen to it, but other times. Other times I just can't do it. Today's poetic tip is the best laid plans of mice and men go often askew.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Just like yesterday it's starting off just great. I went in to the gym today and it was busy. Lucky for me 1 guy left while I was on the bike and the other left by the time I got to the back. So at least I didn't have anyone in my way. It was just hard getting up today knowing I'm going to be here another 9 and half hours straight.
I get in to work and I was going to go to the bank to get a roll of quarters. The second I open the door this guy comes bolting in. I was down at the end of the hall. I didn't know when you guys opened. Well then that means you can't read because the sign clearly says we open at 9. He then comes in and spends 5 minutes looking at two different products. He then walks over to me and says well I like that one product, but I can get it 20 dollars cheaper. I spent last night looking up different pre-workouts. And that other one is on sale at GNC. Then go there. Go buy it on the internet and stop harassing me. I don't waste my time on people like that because no matter what I say or do they are going to do whatever they want. He wants to get it from the internet then he's going to. If he wants to go to GNC he will. Now people that have an open mind I will gladly help. The last time he came in he acted like that.
Speaking of pet peeves. What is this deal in America that gyms are so terrible? You see it all the time in these infomercials. You don't have to go to the gym. Don't need all that gym equipment. The funny thing is a lot of them yeah you can do "at home", but you need something. P90x requires some free weights or resistance bands and a pull up bar. Other products require you to get this big bulk product that they say stores easy, but it takes like 15 minutes to put up. And in a lot of cases you are actually better off getting a gym membership. In what I pay for a year of membership I could get like a third of a bowflex. Plus having money coming out of my account every month gets me off my ass and in the gym. I go at least 4 times a week which breaks down to about $4.50 every time I enter. With at home workouts you do have to be in a mood. I know I do a home ab exercise every Sunday. I think it's society really. They've demonized the gym for some reason. If you find a gym that you really like you'll have no problem going.
Pretty sure we all remember the magic school bus. It was such a big deal when I was in what 3rd grade. Everyone wanted to be in that class and go on those amazing field trips every day. If you didn't you were so lying to yourself. It still comes on from time to time depending on where you are. Even now I still like watching it. Shame there weren't more episodes. Today's tip is if you spend 10 minutes trying to decide between two products then just walk away. You are clearly thinking way too hard.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

And the day starts off crappy

Well it didn't start off crappy. I was the only one at the gym today which was nice. I just did not want to deal with people in my way today. Just seems like on days when I have to do arms or my chest I just run into tons of people. Plus I don't feel like cleaning up after people. And apparently the manager no longer works on Fridays. Wait did he work last Friday? I know there was a sign posted about tanning on a Friday. No wait that was 2 weeks ago. Well apparently the gym won't be staffed at all on Friday so if I want to tan I have to ask the trainers. Don't know what is up with that. Seriously we need a new manager. Maybe then things will start working. I watched the new comedy Happy Endings on ABC. It got me thinking. When did mini flashbacks become a big thing in comedies? Or maybe it's just ABC comedies. I mean I understand why Modern Family does it. It's suppose to be a documentary/reality type sitcom. So I get why they have flashes of past events. Then I stopped and thought well The Middle does it. Better with You does it. I couldn't remember if Cougar Town does it. Actually I don't think they do. Anyway I get why it's used. It's one thing to have a character say you can't borrow my jeans because you remember what happened last time. You sat in dog poop. It's another to show what happened the last time the jeans were borrowed. Guess it will be this big thing in comedies. Well maybe ABC comedies. Oh found a joke on facebook. It made me chuckle and since it is International moment of laughter day. Figured I'd post it. 70 year old man goes to his Doctor & says: "My 28 year old wife is pregnant, your opinion Doctor?"Doctor: "Let me tell you a story. A hunter, in a hurry grabs an umbrella instead of the gun. He moves into the jungle, sees a lion, lifts the umbrella, pulls the handle & BANG... The lion drops dead!"Old man: "That's impossible; someone else must have shot the lion."Doctor: "MY POINT EXACTLY!!! Since today is the day we are suppose to have a moment of laughter I figured I'd post one of the SMA bloopers. I find it really funny because one of the characters in this episode does this weird mumbling thing. Today's tip is if you hear someone say, "I'm being attacked by robins," they are probably not talking about the bird.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

In a talkative mood

Lately I haven't felt like blogging much, but I have been blogging. Well right now I have a bit to talk about. I was watching tv and an ad for Capital One came on. The one with Alec Baldwin which had me thinking. On Sunday I watched the Comedy Awards. Eddie Murphy was awarded the icon award. I watched him and I got the feeling that he has let the fame get to him. Just feels like he isn't the warmest person to work with. I say that based on him walking off. Tracy Morgan had his arm wrapped around Murphy and was walking with a bit of a strut. Eddie Murphy looked very uncomfortable. He didn't even acknowledge Tracy even after the very moving speech he gave. Then you look at everyone else at the awards that at the least gave a head nod and a thank you to the person that presented the award. Then you had Alec Baldwin who brough the presenter in and was very warm. Alec Baldwin gives the impression that he is very fun to work with and very warm. You also see it in the things he says and the way he's interviewed. Even in the advice he gives. I think that's why he's really done well lately. People respond to people who are warm. It's suppose to snow on Saturday and I'm not a happy Texan. It is April. Keep doing my best to think warm thoughts. Ugh.....Curse you winter and your constant grip. Today's tip is being polite is one thing that you won't ever feel bad for doing. Well unless you are holding someone up politely.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stress headache?

Apparently that's what I had the past two days. Today I have no headache because my boss is back. Least that's what he said. I don't get stressed. Least I don't think I do. Then again that would make sense. It wasn't caffeine related. Wasn't hydration related. And when I was doing something not related to the store it seemed like my head was fine. Had another good workout which was great. No red hat again. And tomorrow I don't have to go in early which makes me feel good. Might go into the gym though. We'll see. The gym really is falling apart though. Wish they'd find a new manager or go back to the old one. The gym ran so much better. Today's tip is there is no such thing as being too loved or too happy. It flows out of you to help lift others up when they're down.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Already been busy

It's been a busy day for me already. Went to the gym and it was just me there. Which was nice because I didn't feel like fighting anyone for equipment. The only thing that really annoyed me is that the place really has gone to hell since we got that new manager. How hard is it to go to each piece of equipment in your spare time (and he has a lot of it) and make sure everything works. One of the pins in the cable machines doesn't work right. Hasn't worked right for awhile. Now you can't even pull the pin out to move it around. Had tons to do now that the boss isn't around. Least this week. Managed to get a lot done in the first hour. In the next I have to get a package ready to ship. Going to be an interesting couple of weeks. By the end of the day I'm sure I'm going to be exhausted. Least I have left over pizza to look forward too. Today's tip is you never know how much of an expert you are until you try to teach someone and they give you the WTF look.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

So ready for some good days

It was a depressing day yesterday. The weather was gloomy. My co-worker wasn't his normal chipper self. And I just snapped. I think I've been avoiding talking to my friend about how he's been treating me. So if he ever gets online I'll have to talk to him about it. Once I got past that I had a pretty ok day. Went by a taco place I've been meaning to go by. Yeah West Mex is so not the same as Tex Mex. Tex Mex is so much better. Still nervous about tomorrow though. I'm all by myself. Today's tip is you can only sweep so much stuff under the rug before you get a huge lump no one can ignore.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

What to do?

I honestly have no clue what to do today. I have to stop into the office to update my co-worker then I have no clue what in the world I'm going to do. I guess I'll just surf the web. Probably watch a movie later on today. Yep saturdays are so boring. Today's tip is the best piece of equipment you own is your body. It's also the one you can't escape.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Firday once again

Doesn't feel like it's Friday. Probably because of the simple fact that I have so much coming up soon. Things should be unwinding yet I'm so wound up. Tomorrow got to come in to get my co-worker up to speed. Just don't feel like I'm going to really have any time off. Might end up going to the gym tomorrow just to feel better. Probably going to be spending a lot of time at the gym. Need something to de-stress. None of my friends are helping me de-stress. One is honestly making it worse.
Least the gym wasn't too busy. Had to deal with Red Hat again, but luckily he didn't get in my way. The time he really gets in my way is when I need to use specific things. Like leg or chest day. There was also a girl that came in. Now I don't understand the female mind. So many girls get pissed at us guys for staring at their ass, yet they need to get pants with words printed on the ass. I know several times I caught myself staring. I know Red Hat stared too. Now I think this is a great prank. Just watch it. Also pay attention to the number in the bottom left hand corner. I'm sure you'll figure it out, but still it's a funny reaction. Today's tip is if you are going to be on the side of a fist make sure it's the winning side.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

So torn

I'm just not sure how the hell I should be feeling. So many things have gone on. I'm pissed at someone because I have no idea what is going on with him. Seems like he'll gladly talk to me when he needs help or has something to brag about, but won't talk to me when I have something. Then yesterday he starts talking then just ignores me. So now I'm ignoring him. My gym is horrible at doing contests. I think we can agree that if someone is hosting a contest or is helping enforce the rules of a contest they can't win it. Well for some reason the trainer that was in charge of the NCAA bracket contest at my gym got 3rd place. That's right he got 3rd place. He won a spin of the prize wheel which as you can imagine is pretty much everything that he already has. If I was the fourth person I'd say no screw that I should have gotten that prize. The annoying thing is that he does it all the time. He's always entering contests that he starts. Like the bench your weight contest. No one signed up then when he signs up no one signs up. I mean he has like 250 lbs benched 25 times. No one else signed off on it. So for all we know he just put it on there. Now who wants to sign up after that? I know I wouldn't. Today's tip is don't go looking in other people's closets for skeletons if you have any in your own.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Stand back

Well my emotions are at an all time boil. After that tip I sent yesterday I would have figured hey that means if I need to talk to someone they'd be open. Well my friend once again didn't even talk to me at all. Not even a text message saying sorry I wasn't on I was super busy. Nope find out today. And he says well I'll be on most of the day. Don't plan on going anywhere. Shocker he's not on. Well I'm pissed off at him. He can figure that out on his own. I'm tired of the fly by friend. Someone who only wants to talk to me when they have something to brag about or when they have a problem. I don't even get a how are you feeling. I had a pretty pisstastic day yesterday. Dealing with vendors and customers that just were not fun. Election day was yesterday. Ugh seriously sick of politics. And my boss and my roommate are obsessed with this crap. Both harass me about voting. I honestly do not want to hear about it anymore. It's just like when you play a game that you've wanted forever. You play it and it's great for awhile then you eventually get tired of it because you either beat it or it wasn't what you thought it was. Yet your friends keep going on and on about how great the game is or arguing points of the game. You honestly are tired of it and would like to do something else. I swear I'm going to have to ask them to just not talk to me about politics for awhile. And the worse thing is I know they won't do it. Both say I need to informed as to what's going on blah blah blah. Yeah I know I do, but I don't need to know every single detail every day. Today I'm posting an episode of RuPaul's Drag Race. It's the most recent episode where the queens have to dress up straight jocks. Also one queen comes back. Honestly I think they chose the wrong queen, but hey that's just my opinion. It's actually a pretty funny episode. Today's tip is sometimes we have to look past our pride. Otherwise we'll turn into that old guy that can't see or hear and acts like nothing is wrong.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 long

It was a craptastic day at the gym. The old guy in the red hat was in. He's the guy that refuses to wipe the machines. So I get in and the guy is using the smith machine. And he practically used it the entire time I was there. He got off, only after I kinda forced him to. Well I didn't really force him. Anyway what happened was today is my leg day. So I do my thing on the floor then go back to use the leg press. And it looked like he was done, but he just moved some stuff around. So I go out to use the leg extension and the leg curl. And he's still using it. Basically he had used it for at least 30 minutes straight. So I start setting up the power rack next to it to do squats and he finally says he's done. I said thanks, but I was going to yell at him for not wiping down things, but he did let me use the smith machine which I wanted to use so I kept my mouth shut. Finished up and got out of there.
It's election day here as well. I'm so sick of this crap. Seems like we get done for a few weeks and then all of a sudden it's another election. I am so sick of politics. Especially false ads. There is one saying that this abuse victim asked one of the candidates to stop an ad and she refused. Well that's bullshit because the candidate didn't put out the ad. Someone who supports her did. I wish that politics would go back to the days when the best candidate was the one who explained why they'd be a good choice. Not the one with the most money to dump tons of dirt on their opponent. Today's video is the opening of Saint Seiya the Hades Saga. To get you caught up. This is after the end of the original Saint Seiya. 3 of the Gold Cloth Knights have come back from the dead to kidnap the Princess. Well they did and it turned out they were working for Hades. So Seiya and pals go down to the underworld to get the Princess back and stop Hades. I know this because I watched it, but sadly that OVA is mainly subbed in Spanish not English for some odd reason. Today's tip is emotions are like mentos in diet coke. If you don't keep the container open you'll have an explosion and an even bigger mess.

Monday, April 4, 2011

And so it begins

Today begins my long April. I'm going to be alone the rest of the day today, and possibly tomorrow and Wednesday. There is a chance Thursday that I'll have to do an order all by myself. Honestly I shouldn't be this selfish. My boss isn't doing this because he's mean or anything. He's don't it because he trusts me. Honestly I don't need him like the family member needs him. He has to be there for support. I told him that when I first heard the news. I'm just nervous about so much being put on my shoulders all at once. I guess I'm also nervous because I know the person and I don't want anything bad to happen. Today was really quiet at the gym which was nice. Only guys there today. Me, my training partner, and a guy that comes in from time to time. Then later on the guy that never wipes up after himself showed up. Luckily I got all my stuff out the way while he was still doing cardio. Today was a really intense arm workout. Granted this was the week to increase all the weights. Plus I think I was more focused then I was last week. Think I'll be going to the gym more and more. Depends on how much stress I get at my job. Tomorrow is leg day and hopefully it will be quiet in there again. My leg days are getting so much more intense. I mean I'm over 200 lbs in the leg press and squatting I'm doing like 120. Soon to be 130. It's really the squats that are killing me. It uses so many different muscle groups. Well it will be interesting. So I've been in a video slump. Hard to find one that I've liked. Or felt like looking up. Well today I found one. It's from World's Dumbest. It shows four guys that are very happy about the finals announcement for the Miss Universe Pageant. Today's tip is during combat you don't get in the way of an enemy when he is shooting himself in the foot.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's Funday

I figure if I add fun to the name of it, then it won't seem so boring. Yeah not working. It's such a gloomy day out. Not fun. So apparently Charlie Sheen's first show was a flop. Honestly I was expecting it. I mean the dude just rants and raves. Eventually people just get tired of that. And his rants aren't really funny. They are just random things like I'm Winning, I'm a warlock, or drinking tiger blood. What did you really expect? I mean the tickets were at a discount which should have told you something. There were no refunds. I would have just sat there and fell asleep. If you were dumb enough to pay for tickets to see Charlie Sheen then don't boo him off stage so you get less then what you paid for.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Going to be a long April

Yeah it's going to be a very long month. My boss has tons of stuff that he's going to be doing. Basically it has to do with a family issue. Last night I was watching The Soup awards. The weeper of the house John Boehner won an award for best waterworks non-sexual for his interview on 60 minutes. Apparently he can no longer go to schools because of the kids. Probably because he knows he can't look any of them in the eye because he's trying to take all the money away from their schools. I mean if I was making it impossible for someone to have a good education to have the American dream that I go on and on about then yeah I wouldn't want to go to a school either. Today's tip is people are crazy. Anyone that tells you otherwise just proves the above statement.