Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 8

Also known as a week since I started. I will say yesterday I got very very irritable. I mean I was getting ready to leave work and I wanted to punch a metal door. I mean I really almost did it. Mainly because it was a slow day, the customers I did get were jerks, and I'm done being a door mat for someone. So I was just pissy. Then my roommate decides he wants to have a deep conversation with me as I'm watching World's Dumbest which pissed me off more. Yeah I think my pro-hormone is working. That's usually the last sign of it working. Getting pretty irritable.
As for my leg workout today I was completely shocked. I was able to just breeze through my workout. I didn't feel like I was very fatigued. Felt like I could have done more. In fact on my leg extensions I accidentally pushed the weight up by 10 instead of 5 like I usually do. I mean I pushed out 3 sets of 12 no problem. When I realized my mistake I was already done so I did the same thing with my leg curls and almost did 3 sets of 12. Only 2 and a set of 10. It will for sure be interesting.

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