Friday, April 15, 2011


Just like yesterday it's starting off just great. I went in to the gym today and it was busy. Lucky for me 1 guy left while I was on the bike and the other left by the time I got to the back. So at least I didn't have anyone in my way. It was just hard getting up today knowing I'm going to be here another 9 and half hours straight.
I get in to work and I was going to go to the bank to get a roll of quarters. The second I open the door this guy comes bolting in. I was down at the end of the hall. I didn't know when you guys opened. Well then that means you can't read because the sign clearly says we open at 9. He then comes in and spends 5 minutes looking at two different products. He then walks over to me and says well I like that one product, but I can get it 20 dollars cheaper. I spent last night looking up different pre-workouts. And that other one is on sale at GNC. Then go there. Go buy it on the internet and stop harassing me. I don't waste my time on people like that because no matter what I say or do they are going to do whatever they want. He wants to get it from the internet then he's going to. If he wants to go to GNC he will. Now people that have an open mind I will gladly help. The last time he came in he acted like that.
Speaking of pet peeves. What is this deal in America that gyms are so terrible? You see it all the time in these infomercials. You don't have to go to the gym. Don't need all that gym equipment. The funny thing is a lot of them yeah you can do "at home", but you need something. P90x requires some free weights or resistance bands and a pull up bar. Other products require you to get this big bulk product that they say stores easy, but it takes like 15 minutes to put up. And in a lot of cases you are actually better off getting a gym membership. In what I pay for a year of membership I could get like a third of a bowflex. Plus having money coming out of my account every month gets me off my ass and in the gym. I go at least 4 times a week which breaks down to about $4.50 every time I enter. With at home workouts you do have to be in a mood. I know I do a home ab exercise every Sunday. I think it's society really. They've demonized the gym for some reason. If you find a gym that you really like you'll have no problem going.
Pretty sure we all remember the magic school bus. It was such a big deal when I was in what 3rd grade. Everyone wanted to be in that class and go on those amazing field trips every day. If you didn't you were so lying to yourself. It still comes on from time to time depending on where you are. Even now I still like watching it. Shame there weren't more episodes. Today's tip is if you spend 10 minutes trying to decide between two products then just walk away. You are clearly thinking way too hard.

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