Monday, April 25, 2011

Well that wasn't fun

Well my Easter Sunday was like any other Sunday. Involved me going to the grocery store, doing my laundry, and doing my ab workout. I honestly don't really do holidays. Why should I change up my routine just because the calender says hey it's a holiday. Holidays just don't excite me anymore. Even as a kid I got to the point where I saw that a holiday is no big deal. Usually means I just don't have to go to school. See as a child I hung out with older kids who demystified holidays (among other things) for me. I knew pretty early that there (if you still hold onto your childhood don't read this part) is no Easter bunny. No Santa Claus. No Tooth Fairy. So pretty early on I lost that since of wonderment. Then on top of that my family stopped doing things. For Christmas and Easter we use to make cookies, but soon that stopped because my brother insisted on it. Then with that holidays just became regular days. Plus by this time I knew my family wasn't going to stay the same for too much longer. Parents always seemed to fight. My mom suffered depression. There was no love between them. So I guess for me holidays lost their luster.
Speaking of them losing their luster. Some kids in my apartment complex thought it would be funny to pull the fire alarm. All of a sudden an alarm goes off. My apartment is right above the laundry room and we hear alarms going off all the time. Well you step outside and quite quickly you learn that it's the fire alarm. Well me and my roommate looked around and couldn't see if there was smoke or a fire anywhere. Well the fire fighters and police showed up. They didn't see anything either. Well they found that upstairs the fire alarm was pulled. And it's not one of those that you could just bump and have go off. You have to break a seal and pull it. They assume it was some kids that pulled it. I just wonder who has to pay for it. I bet unless someone confesses all the tenants have to pay it. That just pisses me off because they assume it was some kids and I obviously don't have any.
I'm currently having a great day. Today was my chest workout. I saw that the sun was out. That usually means that everyone goes into the gym. Well no one was there. Only 1 person showed up by the time I left. That meant I could do a full chest workout without being disturbed. That made me feel good. I then got measured today and my body fat is down and and my weight and lean body mass is up. My boss mentioned I looked bigger, but I figured that I was just getting fat from all the pizza and fast food. Turns out no which is great. Making me wonder if I was retaining water from some of those pro-hormones. Or maybe I've finally had 165 be my new plateau weight which is nice. So I'm on top of the world.
At the gym I heard this song. Then I heard it again at work. So of course I have to post it. I'm sure you all have heard Rolling in the Deep by Adele. If you haven't well you're missing out. She has such an amazing voice. She even performed on the Today show and I mean how she sounds in the music video is how she sounded. That is very very rare. I finally found the name of this song like Friday. I hear it all the time, but I never knew what it was called. One of the downsides to not paying attention when they introduced her on the Today show. Today's tip is pay it forward because paying backwards just looks silly.

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