Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Always makes me laugh

It always makes me laugh when I see people do one thing and say another. I was watching the Today show which were talking about a fake apple store in China. Now you must note that the front of the store says Apple Store. They wear the apple shirts, and have apple products, and basically look like an Apple store. When an employee was interviewed she refused to show her face. She says the media is distorting the facts. What is there to distort. You are presenting yourself as an employee of an Apple Store that is not an Apple Store. What is there to not get. There are only 4 legit Apple Stores in China and you are not one of them. You didn't apply to become a legit Apple Store yet you set yourself up like you are. Then they interviewed the manager who again refused to show his face. He basically said they are real products with a real protection plan so who cares. We are also applying to become a real Apple Store. I think yeah Apple will probably let them, but I think they will have a lot of money to pay Apple in response. If they wanted to they could sue them right now. Find out how they are getting all there products. And all that fun stuff. Just amazes me that they want to do this.

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