Monday, May 23, 2011

Feeling like yelling

So much has gone on this weekend and today that I feel like yelling at everyone. I guess the best thing to do is to get it all out.
1st the Saturday doomsday prediction. I'm so angry for the people that gave away everything and spent all this money based on this guy's prediciton. A prediction he made once before and was wrong. I mean the guy hasn't come out to say something one way or another. I know what's going to happen. He's going to pull what they all pull and say because we were so faithful god must have changed his mind. Or that we need more people to be faithful so that we have 200 million people to rapture. Honestly whatever he says I wish people would stop blindly following people. Of course people are going to keep following people though. Just amazes me how easily people are to think the wold is going to end. I guess because it gives them a sense of knowing when the end is. Just when I hear the stories that people quit their jobs, drained all of their savings, moved to California to find out that it didn't happen.
The other thing that got me to want to yell is that Red Hat was at the gym again. I have no clue what the hell this guy's problem is. I go into the gym and I hear him in the back using the smith machine for the bench press. Well when I finally get back there he's still on it so I use the cables. Well he finishes and does he wipe down the bench. Of course not that would be a nice thing to do. So I wipe it down before I use it and I know he saw me. Then I wiped it after I finished which I know he saw too. Then when I got the decline bench again I know he saw me wipe it down before and after. Yet he will wipe down the other machines like the tricep extension or any other machines out on the floor.
Two things that happened to me on the way to work today. I'm on a street getting ready to make a left turn at the stop light. There is a truck in front of me. The light is red It's a three way intersection so the red light is for us. He pulls his truck into the intersection. No joke. Then realizes that he can't go and backs up. Lucky for me I didn't move up any so when he backed up he didn't hit me. Then when the light turns green he just sits there so I have to honk my horn. Then as I'm pulling into work a woman decides that she wants to walk across the street. She saw me and decides I'm going to walk anyway and make sure I walk really really slowly.
Last night I get a call from my dad saying my mom has written a letter. In the letter my mom apparently says that my dad should send me money. More specifically money for a new car, my trip down to Texas, and to start college. She also said that we should sit down and discuss my future. Well my dad and I think alike. We are more rationally people. We react to things people tell us not so much what people tell us that other people said. Don't get me wrong. I do talk to my dad, but I do talk to my mom every week. Well lately our conversations have gotten shorter and shorter and I don't think she really hears me when I say things. She told my dad that my car is constantly breaking down. No that's not true. My car broke down once or twice, but hasn't since I got the repairs. Then I got new brakes and tires. That is a maintenance thing. That's not a break down thing. She then said something that made my dad have to ask me if I want to come home this summer. Honestly I do. He said ok, do I need to send you money because your mom is saying that you need money for the trip. No I don't because the tickets have already been purchased and paid for. He then asked me about this sit down. He said I know you told me that your mom and grandma have been pushing you to go back to college. I said that's true. He said well hey it's your future. If you want to go back to school then go for it. If you don't then you don't have to. It's your future. The more I talk to my mom the more I realize we are very different and not as close as I thought we were.
Finally is something that really frustrates me. If you live here in the United States speak and understand English. I'm not being racist or anything. I'm being realistic. Think about it. How can you get help on anything if you can't communicate? If I'm going to Spain I'm either going to have a translator or at least speak and understand enough Spanish to get around. It frustrates me having to wait on someone that I can't understand or can't understand me. Part of my job is finding the right product for the person. If a person wants a pre-workout to get the best pump then I know what to recommend. If they are looking for something to help with headaches I ask them about the headaches to make sure I get the right thing. If the person speaks broken English then I can't really help them. I can't answer their questions because I don't know what the question is they are asking. I can't recommend things because when I ask the question they don't understand. It's not fair to them and it's not fair to me. I end up giving up and just telling them to go with something simple. And that's not fair to them because they may want something stronger. It's like when you go to the doctor. If you can't describe your symptoms to the doctor or show them where the pain is they just guess and sometimes get it wrong. It's just in everyone's best interest if you can speak and understand English. Especially if you are in the food industry. I can't tell you how many times I had someone wait on me who couldn't speak English and got my order wrong.

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