Thursday, July 7, 2011

Not my day

Yesterday was clearly not my day. 1. turns out that the oil leak from my car is a small problem, but they then noticed a bigger problem which (shocker) is much more expensive. If this was a newer car that I plan on driving for years then I would have no problems with this, but sadly it's a 1993 car. Not of course working. 2. the part they needed wasn't available and the only one that is would cost an extra $50 which of course I'm not doing. So by this time I got a stress headache. Luckily I was doing better until I got 3. another use to. If you recall I call people that are stuck on how they use to look, what they use to do, and anything else that keeps them in the past. This guy comes in. Here let me set the scene. He comes in and he has no front teeth on the bottom half of his jaw. He is fat. He is drinking a huge soda. His son comes in chatting on a blue tooth. Well he comes in and acts like he knows what he's talking about. He then says what protein do you have for before and after workouts. I said well you don't want to take protein before hand. He says Uhhh yeah you do. I responded saying that the body does use up energy to digest that protein which could be used from workouts. And it's not just me saying this. Pretty much anyone in sports nutrition will tell you to not have a protein shake before hand unless it's like 2-3 hours before. That way your body can digest it and not waste the energy. That's why there are pre-workouts. Anyway so his son is like he use to be a bodybuilder and he says I use to be a bodybuilder. This is where I really had to bite my tongue. I wanted to say. Oh you use to be a bodybuilder. Well clearly you aren't now. I use to be 4' 3" and weigh less than 100 lbs. Doesn't make me a diet expert. As he was leaving my boss heard him tell his son that I didn't know what I was talking about. Well here is the thing I know what I'm talking about. He knows what he's talking about back in the day. Back in the day the thought was you need protein all the time. Yeah can you still build muscle taking protein before hand yeah you can. It's just you are going to be tired and not last as long so it will take longer. It's why I don't like talking to use tos. They are unable to realize that things change because science gets better. More research has been done on the body since they use to be bodybuilders or workout or play sports. Was not my day.

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