Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Stand back

Well my emotions are at an all time boil. After that tip I sent yesterday I would have figured hey that means if I need to talk to someone they'd be open. Well my friend once again didn't even talk to me at all. Not even a text message saying sorry I wasn't on I was super busy. Nope find out today. And he says well I'll be on most of the day. Don't plan on going anywhere. Shocker he's not on. Well I'm pissed off at him. He can figure that out on his own. I'm tired of the fly by friend. Someone who only wants to talk to me when they have something to brag about or when they have a problem. I don't even get a how are you feeling. I had a pretty pisstastic day yesterday. Dealing with vendors and customers that just were not fun. Election day was yesterday. Ugh seriously sick of politics. And my boss and my roommate are obsessed with this crap. Both harass me about voting. I honestly do not want to hear about it anymore. It's just like when you play a game that you've wanted forever. You play it and it's great for awhile then you eventually get tired of it because you either beat it or it wasn't what you thought it was. Yet your friends keep going on and on about how great the game is or arguing points of the game. You honestly are tired of it and would like to do something else. I swear I'm going to have to ask them to just not talk to me about politics for awhile. And the worse thing is I know they won't do it. Both say I need to informed as to what's going on blah blah blah. Yeah I know I do, but I don't need to know every single detail every day. Today I'm posting an episode of RuPaul's Drag Race. It's the most recent episode where the queens have to dress up straight jocks. Also one queen comes back. Honestly I think they chose the wrong queen, but hey that's just my opinion. It's actually a pretty funny episode. Today's tip is sometimes we have to look past our pride. Otherwise we'll turn into that old guy that can't see or hear and acts like nothing is wrong.

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