Monday, May 2, 2011

Been feeling meh

Specifically about blogging. Haven't really felt like blogging in awhile. Seems like my blog posts are filled with the same things over and over and over again. So I've kinda been holding off on it. Well today I feel like blogging. Mainly because April is over and it's been such a long ass month that I have not wanted to do anything.
Let's see. Saturday I went to the gym and it was shockingly busy. I got my workout buddy to join me because I told him last week no one showed up at the time I went. Well of course he shows up and so does everyone. Red hat was even there and we hadn't seen him the entire week. Then today I had my arm workout and I didn't see red hat, but a lot of people were there. Well more so then last week. Maybe since it was the end of the month everyone was figuring I'll just start fresh next month. Might be very busy the next two weeks. On a side note my arms have dimples. I've never seen that before. It's at the top of the bicep. Kinda right where the arm connects to the shoulder. Very odd.
Speaking of odd I was looking up at the tv on ESPN and I see this heading saying Bin Laden is dead. Found that odd because well ESPN isn't a news network. It's a sports news network. Then they showed people at a game tweeting and texting it and it made sense. Now I know this sounds negative, but well in our day and age we are use to it. I just wonder how is Fox and Friends going to spin this as a negative thing, or not as something that happened thanks to the Obama administration. That's really all the republican party has been doing. Trying to discredit him or blame him for every little thing. If anything positive happens (like economic growth of any kind) it's thanks to business or them for giving tax cuts. It's never thanks to anything the Obama administration has done. Economist have been saying for a year now that thanks to Obama we avoided a depression. Wish I saved the photo that I saw on lol snaps about politicians and voters.
Now again here is a somewhat negative statement. I wish he wasn't dead. I wish that Bin Laden had been taken in. Given a trail and forced to spend the rest of his life in prison. The reason for that is that you get put in prison with all these crazy people. You never know when some of them will snap. You never know if the guards will get to you quickly enough to save you if you get stabbed. If you just listen to the stories people who've been to prison have to tell you it's scary. And spending the rest of your life constantly on your guard is torture enough.
Yesterday I watched Ninja Warrior. I always enjoy watching that because it amazes me that people put so much effort into this event that happens twice a year. Men have quit there jobs to focus on training for these events. They spend so much money to build replicas for them to practice on. And it's all over in one day. And because of that dedication you root for them. You hope they make it. You hope that the training pays off. Then you see how the designers changed the course. Making things insanely hard so that no one can pass. Yeah it needs to be hard, but not impossible and that's what it always seems like.
Today's tip is the truly positive see the glass half full of liquid and half full of air. The truly negative find it pointless to talk about glasses.

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