Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 26

I'M SO SORE! Today I did something different. I did squats, but I did the super low ones where your butt practically touches the ground. I know it's worth it, but I won't be sitting/walking properly for awhile. In the long run I'll have a lot stronger legs, but right now ow. The thing that really shocked me was that when I did this I cut the weight I normally squat with in half. So as I'm putting this 80 lbs on my shoulders I can't help, but think wow this is so light. Then as I'm really pushing through I realize holy crap 80 lbs is so heavy. Heavy in a good way where I do it properly, but I do get a good workout. When I get back up to 160 it's going to be amazing. My headache has also gone away. Think it was stress related.

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