Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Deja Vu

The Casey Anthony case is for sure another case of OJ Simpson. I honestly told my roommate yesterday that this case is just like the OJ Simpson case. When saying that I meant that everyone is glued to the tv and twitter and facebook watching it. Well of course later on in the day the Jury found her not guilty which of course made me think wow how accurate was I on that. With the OJ trial I was so young that I don't remember all the details. I remember the televised chase in the white van and remember the trial being all over the news, but I don't remember specifics. Well this one I sure do. There are so many things that we all have questions about.
For one we all want to know what happened to Caylee. The thing is the prosecution couldn't really prove that Casey did it without a shadow of a doubt, but the defense didn't prove it was an accidental drowning either. I don't think we will know what happened until years later when Casey writes a book saying I didn't do it, but if I did here's how I'd do it. The not knowing part is what is going to haunt all of us. This poor little two year old died and no one knows how or why. If Casey did do it, then she has to live with that the rest of her life and after life. If she didn't do it then I must say she truly is twisted to have partied for 31 days while she was "grieving". Plus the parents must just be hurt. They lost their granddaughter and there will always be that nagging feeling that their daughter had something to do with it.
Next is what will happen to the family. I can't imagine that everything is just going to go back to normal. There is no doubt that Casey will not be able to go home. Not after saying her father and brother abused and raped her. At the same time I know they are torn because they are her parents. The sad thing is that Casey Anthony will be a rich woman when this is all said and done. She will get movie deals, a reality show, interviews, etc. That's the part I think doesn't sit well with people. Most of us get this feeling she did have something to do with her daughter's death, and in a way she will profit off it. That's the thing that makes me sick to my stomach. That there are hard working people out there that love and care for their kids and barely make enough to feed them, cloth them, and keep a roof over their head. This woman loses her daughter, is in jail for 3 years, has a very public trial, and comes out scott free and a millionaire. That's our country for you. The twisted become rich while the ones with morals suffer.
The other thing that bothers me is that there are people that assume since she was found not guilty that they believed the defense. No I don't think that's the case. I think that they didn't see evidence that put zero doubt in their heads that she did it. I don't think they believed the defense. It was a long shot to begin with and they showed no evidence to really prove it. I think the real reason she got off is because we (as a nation) are so obsessed with CSI and Criminal Minds, and Law and Order where they are so cut and dry. Everything fits together in the end. Real life isn't like that. It kinda shows that unless there is a recording of you doing it or every single thing shows you did it you won't be found guilty. Yeah that sounds dandy, but the thing is people do crimes and sometimes there is little evidence to prove that they did. Anyway the point is that the Jury did not say that they believed the defense's theory, they simply said she was not guilty. That means that based on the case the prosecution put forward did not put zero doubt in every single jurors mind. Don't ever get the two confused.
Lastly don't help this woman. Do not let this woman profit off her child's death. One tweet I retweeted said it well. By JSJakaDukeNukem "PLEASE DON'T buy magazines with Casey Anthony on the cover, DON'T watch movies about her, DON'T buy her book, DO NOT SUPPORT this insanity!" Just flat out don't let this woman make a penny of this. It's just flat out wrong.

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