Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What is up with that?

I had the most random dream last night. I mean I have no clue what brought up any of it. The earliest part I can remember was being a myth buster. Haven't even seen the show in awhile. Then again I have seen previews for it on discovery. Anyway we didn't bust any myths or anything. We were getting ready to bust one. Don't even know what it was. Actually I'm pretty sure it wasn't a myth, but a science experience. Then all of a sudden I was at lunch with two people I knew from elementary school. We were having a great time then all of a sudden they turned on me. Tried to steal my cell phone and we drew knives on each other. Then all of a sudden I'm watching the X-men. They are all being sucked into another room. The only one that wasn't was Kitty Pryde. And it turns out that it's this mutant that's all red. Kinda looks like Naruto when he got those 4 tails minus the tails. Then all of a sudden I was Kitty. And I hear him say Kitty Pryde. Can phase through any solid object. Then all of a sudden I couldn't phase through anything. Then I start running and keep trying to phase. Then I realize this is a dream. Well Kitty realizes she's having a dream. And then all of a sudden she (me still in her body) turns into the pink power ranger. Then I woke up. I have a crazy mind.
Leg day at the gym. Lucky for me Red Hat was more out of it then usual. Stayed out of my way. It was busy again this morning. Worrying about Thursday. Might scope out tomorrow and do my chest workout tomorrow.
Just in case you didn't get enough of DBZ abridged then here you go. The new episode 22. This one is where Goku fights Captian Ginyu. Yeah. It's funny. Still like 21 better though. Today's tip is paranoia is like a high speed car chase. Only fun when it's happening on TV or the movies and not to you.

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