Thursday, April 14, 2011

And the day starts off crappy

Well it didn't start off crappy. I was the only one at the gym today which was nice. I just did not want to deal with people in my way today. Just seems like on days when I have to do arms or my chest I just run into tons of people. Plus I don't feel like cleaning up after people. And apparently the manager no longer works on Fridays. Wait did he work last Friday? I know there was a sign posted about tanning on a Friday. No wait that was 2 weeks ago. Well apparently the gym won't be staffed at all on Friday so if I want to tan I have to ask the trainers. Don't know what is up with that. Seriously we need a new manager. Maybe then things will start working. I watched the new comedy Happy Endings on ABC. It got me thinking. When did mini flashbacks become a big thing in comedies? Or maybe it's just ABC comedies. I mean I understand why Modern Family does it. It's suppose to be a documentary/reality type sitcom. So I get why they have flashes of past events. Then I stopped and thought well The Middle does it. Better with You does it. I couldn't remember if Cougar Town does it. Actually I don't think they do. Anyway I get why it's used. It's one thing to have a character say you can't borrow my jeans because you remember what happened last time. You sat in dog poop. It's another to show what happened the last time the jeans were borrowed. Guess it will be this big thing in comedies. Well maybe ABC comedies. Oh found a joke on facebook. It made me chuckle and since it is International moment of laughter day. Figured I'd post it. 70 year old man goes to his Doctor & says: "My 28 year old wife is pregnant, your opinion Doctor?"Doctor: "Let me tell you a story. A hunter, in a hurry grabs an umbrella instead of the gun. He moves into the jungle, sees a lion, lifts the umbrella, pulls the handle & BANG... The lion drops dead!"Old man: "That's impossible; someone else must have shot the lion."Doctor: "MY POINT EXACTLY!!! Since today is the day we are suppose to have a moment of laughter I figured I'd post one of the SMA bloopers. I find it really funny because one of the characters in this episode does this weird mumbling thing. Today's tip is if you hear someone say, "I'm being attacked by robins," they are probably not talking about the bird.

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