Thursday, April 7, 2011

So torn

I'm just not sure how the hell I should be feeling. So many things have gone on. I'm pissed at someone because I have no idea what is going on with him. Seems like he'll gladly talk to me when he needs help or has something to brag about, but won't talk to me when I have something. Then yesterday he starts talking then just ignores me. So now I'm ignoring him. My gym is horrible at doing contests. I think we can agree that if someone is hosting a contest or is helping enforce the rules of a contest they can't win it. Well for some reason the trainer that was in charge of the NCAA bracket contest at my gym got 3rd place. That's right he got 3rd place. He won a spin of the prize wheel which as you can imagine is pretty much everything that he already has. If I was the fourth person I'd say no screw that I should have gotten that prize. The annoying thing is that he does it all the time. He's always entering contests that he starts. Like the bench your weight contest. No one signed up then when he signs up no one signs up. I mean he has like 250 lbs benched 25 times. No one else signed off on it. So for all we know he just put it on there. Now who wants to sign up after that? I know I wouldn't. Today's tip is don't go looking in other people's closets for skeletons if you have any in your own.

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