Saturday, April 16, 2011

End of a long week

I honestly have had a week that has been a pain in the ass. Tons to do at work. Tons of people just beign rude. Dealing with a "friend" who has been ignoring me. I really think I'm just going to avoid talking to him for a day or so. He seemed to have no trouble doing it to me. It's no secret that I have quite a few pet peeves. Well when you mix two it really irritates me. My first pet peeve is people that buy something in the store and then decide they want to walk around and continue to look. The other is when I hear a "use to" story. That's basically when someone tells me all the things they use to be able to do or what they use to look like. Well I got that the other day. This guy is a talker. And he'll talk and talk and talk. Well he buys something and looked like he was going to leave. Then all of a sudden he picks up one of the magazines and looks at the back and said I use to look like this. Well that caused me to roll my eyes. And he went on and on about how he didn't workout, but had a great body. And that he didn't know how good he looked. People would comment, but he didn't see it. Blah blah blah. And he just wouldn't stop talking about it. All his story basically told me was that he clearly can't take a hint. I don't want to hear about things you use to be able to do. It has nothing to do with me at this point. I go to the gym. I workout. Took him like 10 minutes to finally leave. And he only left because someone came in. Took long enough for that to happen. I was praying that someone would enter. One of the downsides to waiting on seniors. They fill the need to tell you everything that happened in their life for some reason. Sometimes I can listen to it, but other times. Other times I just can't do it. Today's poetic tip is the best laid plans of mice and men go often askew.

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