Thursday, April 28, 2011

Anything but Friday

Not looking forward to tomorrow. As we all know tomorrow is the stupid royal wedding. I honestly could not care less about it. It's going to be all that any news station will be talking about. It will be all anyone tweets or facebooks about. On the plus side least I won't have to hear about it everyday. Well maybe not for the first week. Just wish we could focus on anything else.
I'm sure you all heard that President Obama released his full birth certificate. God can republicans make up their god damn mind. Ever since Donald Trump wouldn't shut up about it no issues can be talked about. Tons of people kept saying that he wasn't an American citizen. Even with all the evidence that shows that he was. The certificate that was put online. Then Trump says thanks to him the issue is finally put to a close. Oh that is the biggest bullshit ever. Thanks to him it became so big that Obama had to take time out of his schedule to address your dumbass. Plus you sent investigators to Hawaii to prove he wasn't born there. Shockingly we never did hear about what they found. Mainly because they found what everyone else found. He is an American citizen born in Hawaii. Then Fox news says that Obama should focus on the issues. You assholes are the ones that kept making an issue out of it. I HATE POLITICS!
Today's tip is life is full of risks. If it wasn't it wouldn't be as fun. Like a roller coaster.

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