Friday, May 13, 2011

Back to blogging

Yesterday I was going to blog, but forgot then went to go blog and blogger decides to fuck up. I kinda needed to blow off some steam. Had a terrible Wednesday. Anyway I do need to get back into the swing of blogging. It does help me from exploding. Or I can only blog when I'm getting ready to explode. That works too.
Yesterday and Today were good workout days. Not too many people to trip over. No Red Hat which of course meant I could actually do my workout in peace. Today the pompous trainer's client came in, but no pompous trainer. That meant I got to have a good leg workout. Went back to a pre-workout I like on Thursday. Will say the Jet Fuse spoiled me. I mean it mixed up great and tasted great. The MPR pump doesn't do either of those. It does provide a great pump and workout.
May is moving by so fast compared to April. April seemed like such a terribly slow month. I think maybe because it was such a cold month. So much snow kept falling. I had a lot to do at work because of all the stuff that happened to my boss' wife. She's doing much better and I think that's another reason why May is going a lot better. The other reason is because in July I'm heading back home. I'm sure in a way that seems to speed things along too. My boss is kinda the one that reminded me of that. I mean it's almost the 15th meaning this month is almost half over.
I'm thinking I'm going to have to change the format of this blog. Meh I'll worry about that later. Maybe add a formspring thing.

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