Wednesday, April 13, 2011

In a talkative mood

Lately I haven't felt like blogging much, but I have been blogging. Well right now I have a bit to talk about. I was watching tv and an ad for Capital One came on. The one with Alec Baldwin which had me thinking. On Sunday I watched the Comedy Awards. Eddie Murphy was awarded the icon award. I watched him and I got the feeling that he has let the fame get to him. Just feels like he isn't the warmest person to work with. I say that based on him walking off. Tracy Morgan had his arm wrapped around Murphy and was walking with a bit of a strut. Eddie Murphy looked very uncomfortable. He didn't even acknowledge Tracy even after the very moving speech he gave. Then you look at everyone else at the awards that at the least gave a head nod and a thank you to the person that presented the award. Then you had Alec Baldwin who brough the presenter in and was very warm. Alec Baldwin gives the impression that he is very fun to work with and very warm. You also see it in the things he says and the way he's interviewed. Even in the advice he gives. I think that's why he's really done well lately. People respond to people who are warm. It's suppose to snow on Saturday and I'm not a happy Texan. It is April. Keep doing my best to think warm thoughts. Ugh.....Curse you winter and your constant grip. Today's tip is being polite is one thing that you won't ever feel bad for doing. Well unless you are holding someone up politely.

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