Monday, May 9, 2011

Fed up

Today when I went to the gym I was a jerk. I know I was a jerk because I did things I normally don't do. I had to deal with weight hog and red hat today. I think having to deal with those two on my chest workout day is what sent me over the edge. I get in there and I just skipped the warm up. Really shouldn't have, but I wanted to get my workout done. As I'm doing the dips I see that weight hog is basically going in between three different exercises. Oh no that wasn't going to stand. He's using the smith machine (which I needed) then the dumbbells and then doing floor stuff. So once I finished my dips. I waited a little bit. He didn't come in so I used the smith machine. Normally I can wait. I have no problem waiting because I do have other things to do, but I wanted to send a message. That message was if you are going to super set be next to the thing you are using. Or finish on a machine before you move on. Well pretty sure the guy got the message. He didn't say anything when he came back to see me on there. I had decided I'd just use the smith machine for my incline and regular bench then get off and if it was available go to the decline. Well then red hat comes back there. And he's kinda eyeballing the smith machine. I just thought you know what no. This guy hogs the smith machine all the time. And he doesn't do anything on it really. He'll do a few reps then walk around the back then go get water then look at the tv then finally come back to it. So I thought no I'm just going to finish up. As I was finishing up weight hog decides to use the cables which again was fine because I wasn't using them. I was going to use them next, but not at that moment. And again he uses that cable then goes and does more stuff on the floor. I finish up and start wiping the bench and I see him stretching so I say ok you are done and I take over again. I think I've just reached that point when I just do not want to deal with these assholes anymore.
Yesterday was a marathon of World's Strongest man. Yeah on Mother's day go figure. Well anyway me and my roommate where watching it. They were doing a deadlift. This guy from Poland was up and I just looked at his legs and said wow he has tiny legs. His legs were seriously the size of my legs which isn't a terrible thing if you are me. The guy has a massive upper body. I just kept thinking whatever happened to training the lower body? There are muscles there too. You can't be the world's strongest with bird legs. Especially after the three events they had in a row. A farmer's walk, power stairs, and then that dead lift. Then again when you look at most strongmen and power lifters they have massive upper bodies, but tiny legs. Well power lifters aren't really going for the look. It's more of the strength aspect. Kinda like that pompous trainer at the gym.
Mother's day was again another normal Sunday for me. Laundry then groceries, then workout because by this time my caffeine headache is unbearable, then calling my mom. I don't ever do anything really out of the ordinary when it comes to Sundays or Holidays. I like routine. Yeah I shake it up from time to time, but that's only when there is something fun to do. It's still not truly spring yet. That means nothing really for me to do.
Today's tip is even the most patient person has their limit. Those are the ones that really freakout when pissed off.

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