Monday, July 25, 2011

What happened to Gym Etiquette ?

I swear a majority of people at my gym do not exercise it. Everyday I see equipment put in the wrong place or weights left out. Twice a 100lb dumbbell has been left out. I honestly just don't get it. What is the big deal with not being an ass when it comes to the gym. Plus it does not help that 2 out of the 3 trainers are just as bad as the members if not worse. The other day the only female trainer had her client go from one machine to the next without wiping down the machine. Well I guess I should mention what started this. I get to the gym today and there was a guy in the back. When I went to fill up my water bottle I noticed that the smith machines had weights on it and the guy was not using it. So I did my warm up bike ride and then my dips and he was still not using it. So I go to the back move the bench that was there. Take off all the weights move the bench I wanted and put on the weights I needed. After awhile the guy left. When I was leaving my gym partner said what did you do to that guy? He left in a huff. I said I don't know and I explained to him what happened. My partner agreed that I did nothing wrong. If you are going to use something use it. Don't get up and use something else unless your super setting in which case I would have seen him go from one thing to the next. I'm no longer playing this mind reader crap. If someone is not on something and I need to use it I'm going to use it. If you don't say hey I'm super setting do you mind holding off for a second then I'm going to use it. I understand super setting. I do it on my arm days, but I also pay attention to who is in the back with me and who is using what. I just flat out do not understand this mentality of treating a gym you go to like your home gym. If you see that other people are there how about you stick with one machine then get off it. Don't get up walk around, stare at a tv for 5 minutes, then go back to do another set. Like I said what happened to gym etiquette?
In other news turns out from a month ago I lost a pound, but everything stayed pretty much where it was which is not what I expected. I expected my body fat to sky rocket, but it stayed where it was. The weird thing is I weighed myself on Saturday and I was up by .2 lbs from where I was last month, then managed to lose it all by today. Odd, but it also means that I'm staying pretty consistent.

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