Thursday, June 2, 2011

Good start

Today I hit the gym again today and I had a really good chest workout. It's kinda shocking. I didn't do anything special, but I'm not complaining. It was pretty empty too which also made me feel good. Tomorrow I begin my pro-hormone cycle and that will be interesting. I'm suppose to take 4 pills once daily, but I'll be splitting it up. I'll take 2 with my pre-workout and Kre-Alkalyn and then 2 with my protein. So Yeah I get 4 within an hour and half. Just figured I'd get the most out of it that way. I also established that on Wednesdays I'm going to do something. Wednesdays I drag like no other. I feel like I'm really moody or unengaged with customers. I'm tired all the time. So that means I'm just going to do something in the morning to get the blood flowing. It can be just a 15 minute walk or some isometic exercises. I figure that will get the blood flowing and still give my body the rest it deserves.
Speaking of the gym I'm apparently on the top 10 people that visited the gym in May. That's actually pretty interesting. I clocked 23 visits. The funny thing is the last 4 months that would have put me towards the bottom of the list not towards the top. I think it's like what my co-worker said about his own gym. Come January all the newbies sign up and go in all gung ho. Then as the summer approaches they all start disappearing. And it's not just the newbies. Everyone that was kinda stuck inside go out and spend most of their time outdoors. Well the thing about me is I am super frugal. My gym dues are like 35 or 34 bucks. So if I'm only there like 5 times that's 7 bucks a trip, but if I go in a lot more each trip is basically a lot less. Plus I feel so much better when I workout. Spending money on this makes me go out and really use the service. Being cheap is the best thing to happen to my body.

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