Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stress headache?

Apparently that's what I had the past two days. Today I have no headache because my boss is back. Least that's what he said. I don't get stressed. Least I don't think I do. Then again that would make sense. It wasn't caffeine related. Wasn't hydration related. And when I was doing something not related to the store it seemed like my head was fine. Had another good workout which was great. No red hat again. And tomorrow I don't have to go in early which makes me feel good. Might go into the gym though. We'll see. The gym really is falling apart though. Wish they'd find a new manager or go back to the old one. The gym ran so much better. Today's tip is there is no such thing as being too loved or too happy. It flows out of you to help lift others up when they're down.

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