Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Long 4th

It was a majorly long 4th for me. Well felt long, but really wasn't. Went to the gym and it was actually a lot busier than I thought it was. A trainer and her client was there. Also another lady was there. Luckily none of them bothered me on my chest day. When I got home I said screw it with my lizards. Then closer to lunch me and my roommate went to a craft store where we got tons more paints and crafts. So after lunch I stared on one of them. Took me 3 hours to complete without a break. Basically it's one of those 3-D puzzles.
I want to point out that the blox sais it was for 6+. So I figured it couldn't be too complicated. Well it was because the instructions don't exist. Basically they give you something on the back that has all the pieces numbered and you have to try to find the piece with the same number. And the only thing you have to look at to see if you are doing it right is the front image so it's very easy to do something wrong and not realize you did it wrong until the very end. Plus the wood is very flimsy so it easily breaks. By the time I finished I was ready to throw it up against the wall.

After that I was kinda pissy so my roommate suggested I just relax and watch the After the Catch special I recorded. Well I did and it calmed me down. I then also ate something and watched some of the Twilight Zone marathon. Then watched a DVD and went to bed. The part that seemed long was of course that puzzle.

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