Monday, August 1, 2011

Always repeating myself

I find myself doing that a lot. I was at the gym and another infomerical was on for an exercise thing. This was the ab rocker twister or something like that. Now here is the part where I repeat myself. Look at the before and after photo. I swear 90% of them looked like they just simply sucked in the gut. The thing that people that see these don't get is that it's very easy to make someone look like they lost weight or that they are super ripped. It just requires a diet that dehydrates you so that the skin is sucked right onto the muscle. Plus there are gels and paint on tans that can bring out more definition under light. Plus hello they use fitness models to shows these items. Now I'm not saying that they don't work. I'm saying that they don't work as well as they want you to believe. If they did then why aren't these items around for longer than a year? Plus if you read the white fine print it says the results are atypical. That means they are not typical. Meaning that most likely the models were given a special diet to get some of the dramatic results you see. Plus that way if you call up saying you didn't get those results they can say hey we said that the results were atypical. Got to love critical thinking.

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