Friday, May 20, 2011

Where is the logic

Today I'm just in a ranting mood. I guess I'll start with the people working on the street in my neighborhood. The street they are working on is one of the streets parallel to the highway. Well they decided to block it off so there is no way to get to the highway from where I am or get to my apartment from the highway, so I have to go around the back which tacks on another 10 minutes maybe even 20. Did they give anyone a heads up when they were going to do it? Of course not. Were there any signs up nope, but now there are. Thanks a lot.
Now about this end of the world thing on Saturday. There are two things I'd like to point out. 1. the guy predicted the end of the world in 1994. 2. The guy is 89 years old. I can honestly say I don't think he's in his right mind. Not to mention that we've had so many people tell us when the end of the world is and they've been wrong. If he's right then I'll take it when it comes. If he's wrong (bet he is) life goes on and we make even more fun of him. The fun thing about being human is that we don't know when we will die or when the world will end. That means we enjoy life, but every time someone comes around saying the world is going to end next week people can't help but focus on it. If the world ends it does. If it doesn't we move on.
And that brings us back to the pompous trainer. He was working his client again. The thing is every time he comes in I can't help but look at him because he takes up so much space and not in a good way. I couldn't help, but notice how oddly shaped he is. He was wearing shorts and he has tiny legs. Well I knew that. Well this time he was wearing a short sleeve short and I realized he has tiny arms too. The only thing big on him is his chest and stomach. And his stomach is starting to become bigger. I just can't help, but think about his new years proclamation (that's what my gym called it). He wanted to gain 20 lbs of muscle by June. I'm sure he's close to gaining 20 lbs, but it surely is not muscle. Then I thought about the fact that him and another trainer want to do a boot camp. I think honestly he does need a boot camp, but does not need to be the one giving it. I can't imagine him doing even 10 minutes of a boot camp. He'd honestly just be a guy sitting there yelling at people while they workout. I just find it so ironic that he's a trainer that is so out of shape. I'm not saying that a trainer has to be a bodybuilder, but at least in shape. Looks like they can survive a boot camp workout. That look like they can run a marathon. Not someone who has a gut and no arms and legs. My friend says he looks like a robin. All breast and no legs.

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