Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 18

Yep. Today is day 18. A lot of stuff happened today. Today I switched my pre-workout. This one doesn't have creatine in it which is actually a good thing for me. The reason being is next week I'm going to start taking Size On Pre-Contest. I took that stuff awhile ago and it really did seem to work and do what it said it was going to do. I think I have about 2 weeks worth of it left which means that I should run out by the time I go back to Texas. I also got measured. Per usual my body fat is up. It's not a terrible number. It's about 8%. That's not terrible, but in the winter I'm down near 5 and 4. I am however at my heaviest. Not only that, but my bicep finally hit 15 inches. That is a first for me. So I'm hoping that when my body fat goes down that bicep will stay about 15. This will for sure be interesting.

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