Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why do I expect different?

I don't know why expect people to change. I'm officially sick of being disappointed. That's why I use to be a pessimist. Well I guess more realist, because I did expect the worst and hoped for the best. From now on my "friends" have to talk to me first. I'm done reaching out and having them just ignore me. I just honestly I'm so done with the people in my life. Well not all of them. Just the ones that say they are there for me and they love to ignore me.
A game that I kinda wanted to play, but really didn't was Jak 3. In Jak 2 the big deal was that you could become Dark Jak. In Jak 3 they introduced a Light Jak. So I figured I'd post a video posted to show how to get Light Jak. I'll have to find a video to show the different things Light Jak could do. You can see one of Dark Jak's attacks in this clip so I'm not so worried about that one. Today's tip is expect the worst and hope for the best. Keeps you from getting too down or overly excited.

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