Friday, May 6, 2011

Ok back to blogging

Trying to get back into blogging. Think it helps me blow off steam. A lot has really gone on lately. My workouts are really starting to get really intense. Seems like I'm getting really sore. I swear people pissing me off in the gym is the best thing for my workouts. I put myself into my workout 150%. I mean I've never worked my chest or legs as hard as I did the past two times. Least today I didn't have to worry about the pompous trainer and his client. I swear whenever my workout partner doesn't come in no one else does.
A lot of stuff has been going on with work. It was senior day on Wednesday. We had tons of stuff to order and receive in. Should really be interesting next week going from 100 mph to 50. There will be stuff to order, but it won't be so crammed together.
The special election is finally over so that means no more political ads for a bit. The thing I love about this election is the guy that was mud slinging lost. Hopefully this sends a message to everyone planning on running that if all you do is mud sling and don't say why you are good for the job then you won't get elected. That's all that the guy did. I really never heard a single reason why he was going to be good for the job. All he kept saying is we need to create jobs and I'm in a business that does that. The thing is that he's in house construction. Which doesn't really create jobs. It keeps the people working for him employed. Doesn't create new positions. On top of that he never said how we could create jobs. Then he said that his opponent kept raising taxes and his pay despite the fact that our county had the 5th lowest taxes.
Last night my mom got my mother's day package and of course opened it up early. She was so happy. She loved the card I gave her and the fact that I put Mommy on the card and used a heart for the o. I think that was the best part of the gift that I did that.
Time for a new episode of Yu-Gi-Oh abridged. In this episode stuff happens. It was funny. It will make you laugh. Yeah. Today's tip is sometimes it's the little things that we do for people that get the biggest reactions.

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