Monday, April 18, 2011

Morning off

My boss thanked me for all my hard work by giving me the morning off. Which honestly is so nice. I've had to work all day Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I usually work all day Monday, but he said no no you've done so much. Come in at 1. You are probably going to have to do it again some time this week and for the next couple of weeks. Plus I get Saturday off which is nice.
Today was arm day. And it would have been fine if Red Hat wasn't there again. That man seriously needs a reality check. So he goes back there to use the Smith Machine for bench press. Well the last time he did that he spent like 20 minutes doing it. Well he spent like 5 minutes and moved to the power rack. And every time he "rests" between sets he walks around. He just looks like he's in a daze. Plus he never wipes up after himself. I so want to yell at him every time he's done. I know it's a hopeless case though.
Found out that I missed out on an episode of DBZ abridged. They posted episode 22 and I'm like what a second what happened to episode 21. Turns out it was posted a month ago. It's pretty damn funny. So many good quotes. Check it out. Today's tip is music soothes the savage beast. Unless it's bad music. In that case get the hell out of there.

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