Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 7

Day 7 of my pro-hormone and I really do feel like it's working. I mean sleep is really heavy with very vivid dreams. The only difference is that I'm not sleeping as long as I should, but the fact that the little sleep I have is so heavy it feels like I'm not tired throughout the day. My workouts are going good. I'm horny a lot of the time which tells me it's working. Does seem like I'm hot all the time. My roommate keeps telling me that. He can't even sit next to me without needing to cool down. I'm sweating all the time too. Seems like I am burning a lot of fat. Seems like My abs are a lot more visible. Might have to take a picture of me at the end of the cycle. Wish I took a before picture. Then take a mid-way picture, then an after.
So I figured I need to shed some light on something. A pro-hormone is NOT a steroid. It is not a direct injection or consumption of a steroid. A pro-hormone basically gives your body the building blocks to make testosterone quicker. It does not shut down your production. Now yes you may produce a bit less, but you still produce some. That's why when you finish a cycle you take a test booster to rev up your natural production of it. It also helps to make sure that all the extra test doesn't get converted into estrogen.

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