Tuesday, April 26, 2011

And now it's rainy

Yesterday was such a nice day. Sunny most of the day. Today is just rain and gloom. And of course my car leaks. So going to the gym was tons of fun. Least no one was really there. Well no one that got in my way. Then again I was doing back and shoulders which doesn't really require a whole lot of equipment. Plus I'm more patient when I'm doing back and shoulders since it is the most defined part of my body. It reacts the most intensely of any body part. Followed by my legs. My arms and chest are the slowest. Don't know which is slower.
Don't know what I'll be doing today. Yesterday was such a busy day that it might slow down with the rain. We'll see. I just know I'm ready for spring to happen. Enough of this early march crap. I want to finally have a week of 70's. Be nice to wear shorts again.
Today's tip is procrastination is always a risky thing. Especially if you are terrible at finishing things under pressure. You know who you are.

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