Monday, April 4, 2011

And so it begins

Today begins my long April. I'm going to be alone the rest of the day today, and possibly tomorrow and Wednesday. There is a chance Thursday that I'll have to do an order all by myself. Honestly I shouldn't be this selfish. My boss isn't doing this because he's mean or anything. He's don't it because he trusts me. Honestly I don't need him like the family member needs him. He has to be there for support. I told him that when I first heard the news. I'm just nervous about so much being put on my shoulders all at once. I guess I'm also nervous because I know the person and I don't want anything bad to happen. Today was really quiet at the gym which was nice. Only guys there today. Me, my training partner, and a guy that comes in from time to time. Then later on the guy that never wipes up after himself showed up. Luckily I got all my stuff out the way while he was still doing cardio. Today was a really intense arm workout. Granted this was the week to increase all the weights. Plus I think I was more focused then I was last week. Think I'll be going to the gym more and more. Depends on how much stress I get at my job. Tomorrow is leg day and hopefully it will be quiet in there again. My leg days are getting so much more intense. I mean I'm over 200 lbs in the leg press and squatting I'm doing like 120. Soon to be 130. It's really the squats that are killing me. It uses so many different muscle groups. Well it will be interesting. So I've been in a video slump. Hard to find one that I've liked. Or felt like looking up. Well today I found one. It's from World's Dumbest. It shows four guys that are very happy about the finals announcement for the Miss Universe Pageant. Today's tip is during combat you don't get in the way of an enemy when he is shooting himself in the foot.

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