Friday, April 8, 2011

Firday once again

Doesn't feel like it's Friday. Probably because of the simple fact that I have so much coming up soon. Things should be unwinding yet I'm so wound up. Tomorrow got to come in to get my co-worker up to speed. Just don't feel like I'm going to really have any time off. Might end up going to the gym tomorrow just to feel better. Probably going to be spending a lot of time at the gym. Need something to de-stress. None of my friends are helping me de-stress. One is honestly making it worse.
Least the gym wasn't too busy. Had to deal with Red Hat again, but luckily he didn't get in my way. The time he really gets in my way is when I need to use specific things. Like leg or chest day. There was also a girl that came in. Now I don't understand the female mind. So many girls get pissed at us guys for staring at their ass, yet they need to get pants with words printed on the ass. I know several times I caught myself staring. I know Red Hat stared too. Now I think this is a great prank. Just watch it. Also pay attention to the number in the bottom left hand corner. I'm sure you'll figure it out, but still it's a funny reaction. Today's tip is if you are going to be on the side of a fist make sure it's the winning side.

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