Monday, April 11, 2011

Already been busy

It's been a busy day for me already. Went to the gym and it was just me there. Which was nice because I didn't feel like fighting anyone for equipment. The only thing that really annoyed me is that the place really has gone to hell since we got that new manager. How hard is it to go to each piece of equipment in your spare time (and he has a lot of it) and make sure everything works. One of the pins in the cable machines doesn't work right. Hasn't worked right for awhile. Now you can't even pull the pin out to move it around. Had tons to do now that the boss isn't around. Least this week. Managed to get a lot done in the first hour. In the next I have to get a package ready to ship. Going to be an interesting couple of weeks. By the end of the day I'm sure I'm going to be exhausted. Least I have left over pizza to look forward too. Today's tip is you never know how much of an expert you are until you try to teach someone and they give you the WTF look.

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