Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wow...so long

It was a craptastic day at the gym. The old guy in the red hat was in. He's the guy that refuses to wipe the machines. So I get in and the guy is using the smith machine. And he practically used it the entire time I was there. He got off, only after I kinda forced him to. Well I didn't really force him. Anyway what happened was today is my leg day. So I do my thing on the floor then go back to use the leg press. And it looked like he was done, but he just moved some stuff around. So I go out to use the leg extension and the leg curl. And he's still using it. Basically he had used it for at least 30 minutes straight. So I start setting up the power rack next to it to do squats and he finally says he's done. I said thanks, but I was going to yell at him for not wiping down things, but he did let me use the smith machine which I wanted to use so I kept my mouth shut. Finished up and got out of there.
It's election day here as well. I'm so sick of this crap. Seems like we get done for a few weeks and then all of a sudden it's another election. I am so sick of politics. Especially false ads. There is one saying that this abuse victim asked one of the candidates to stop an ad and she refused. Well that's bullshit because the candidate didn't put out the ad. Someone who supports her did. I wish that politics would go back to the days when the best candidate was the one who explained why they'd be a good choice. Not the one with the most money to dump tons of dirt on their opponent. Today's video is the opening of Saint Seiya the Hades Saga. To get you caught up. This is after the end of the original Saint Seiya. 3 of the Gold Cloth Knights have come back from the dead to kidnap the Princess. Well they did and it turned out they were working for Hades. So Seiya and pals go down to the underworld to get the Princess back and stop Hades. I know this because I watched it, but sadly that OVA is mainly subbed in Spanish not English for some odd reason. Today's tip is emotions are like mentos in diet coke. If you don't keep the container open you'll have an explosion and an even bigger mess.

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