Thursday, July 28, 2011

Had one of those days

Yesterday was just not a fun day. Storms kept rolling in and out yesterday so that didn't set the mood very high. Then I get a call from my gym partner saying that the pompous trainer showed up and said that we didn't sign a year contract. Well that's not true as you'll find out if you go back to my may archive. So that made him get a little pushy. That and the trainer also made it sound like we stole a drawing box. Well they got talking and turns out the pompous trainer will be the new gym manager because the previous gym manager had military stuff to do. Although when he was talking to my friend he made it sound like he might have left for a different reason. Well they talked for like half and hour and turns out the pompous trainer isn't so pompous when you talk to him. Well anyway I had to go stop by the gym with my copy of the contract to show that we should be on a year membership not a month to month. When I stopped in I met the gym owner (again) and showed him that we signed a new contract and the previous guy must not have put it in. Even though we signed it in may. Also turns out that there was a copy of that contract in our file. By this time the somewhat pompous trainer soon to be manager showed up. So that is all set up and set away. Plus I'm still dealing with this weird lump on my chin. It's going down, but I'd like to know what the hell it was. Sure it had to do with stress.

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