Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 12

Well I think again I notice some physical differences. It looks like I have lost quite a bit of fat and gained a good bit of muscle. Now it's not like I had a whole lot of fat to lose to begin with. I mean my body fat at last check was 7.83%. That's not a whole lot. I'm still in the lean bracket. The only thing is that my body fat has been staying around the 5-6% mark and I think it's back down there now. Strength seems like it's good and steady. I'm not super tired after a workout. My arms also look like they are more defined. Like there is a clear line between my bicep and my tricep. It just looks different really. Even when my arm is extended you can tell where it is which hasn't really happened before. Veins are popping up everywhere on my arm. Makes it hard to tell if I'm simply dehydrated or if they are just popping out. Also started out my day with a different breakfast. I actually had a smoothie. I like smoothies, but they are so time consuming to make. I got this smoothie mix and it made a pretty darn good smoothie. I also weighed myself and I weight more now than I have ever weighed. I'm just hoping I can keep that going. I'd like to weight at least 170 by the end of the year. Would like to keep the body fat below 7%, but the main goal is to hit that 170.
Mood wise I think I've settled down again. Don't feel like I'm so irritable. Now there are certain things that still piss me off, but they were things I couldn't stand when I wasn't on a pro-hormone. Now it's just at a heightened pitch. For instance my roommate wanting to have conversations while I'm watching TV or doing my ab workout. Least I don't want to throw him out the window like I have been wanted to do these past few days. As for my "friend" who can't seem to make up his mind. I'm actually doing better with that. I've just said screw it he's not going to change. I have a life to live and it is not centered around him. So if he can't so much as say hello then screw him.
I also got exactly 4 weeks before my trip now. That means it's getting close to crunch time. Pretty soon I'll have to start penciling people in after my parents. Should be interesting. Hopefully I won't be doing too much sitting around on my trip. Seems so boring to go back home to visit just to sit at home doing nothing.

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