Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What an odd morning

So I went to workout and guess who came in to workout. The gym manager. Now this is odd for several reasons. 1. She never works out in the morning with us. I've been there for a month now and this is the first time I've ever seen her in that early. 2. she doesn't have to be in until 10 and it was 6:45 when she came in. So that told me that she was in to check up on us. I don't know what she was looking for, but I know that's what it came down to. Maybe she does this from time to time to see who might be doing what. The thing is that no one is going to act like they would normally in front of the manager. The guys that sweat all over the machines and never wipe them will wipe while she's there then go back to not doing it when she leaves. Or they will re-rack the weights even though they never do that. Then the really annoying thing is she did what weight hog does which is the going from one machine to another exercise then back to the machine. Stay with one exercise for crying out loud. Other people would like to use the machine, but of course it gets worse. I happened to be wearing the gym's shirt I got for free. So great now I look like a suck up. Plus I was doing my leg workout which she also happened to be doing. I happened to have to sit next to her at the machine. So I now look like a suck up that has a crush on her. I hate that. This would have to be the day I would do a leg workout and wear the gym shirt I got. Just great.
The other thing that was annoying me is these ads that just lie to people. Just yesterday I flipped open a magazine and they had an ad for Celltech. For those of you that don't know what that is, Celltech is a creatine product. That means it's suppose to help you put on more mass. Well the picture showed a guy who was chunky, but you could tell he worked out then the after photo showed the "same guy" ripped to shreds. Yeah creatine products don't do that. If you take the product like you are suppose to then you will not go from flab to abs. You will go from flab to more flab. Creatine causes water retention, especially around the gut. You won't see veins on this guy. Plus you could tell that they put that coloring on him in the after photo. The sad part is that people looking at this stuff believe the before and after photos. They say oh the bodybuilders use it therefore it must be good, and just look at these before and after photos. The funny thing is when guys come in to ask about creatine they are shocked to learn that you are suppose to cycle it, or that it causes water retention and bloating, or plays havoc with your digestive system, or that it has to be loaded. That usually makes them not want it anymore. I was reading it and it said this one guy gained 21 lbs of lean muscle after being on Celltech for 14 weeks. Yeah that's bullshit. 1. No one can be on a creatine for that long and not feel the negative side effects. 2. That "lean muscle" is not from the creatine. Creatine is not lean muscle. Creatine "muscle gain" is more like each muscle cell is holding more water to give the appearance of "lean muscle". So like I said it's just bullshit and I see person after person buy into it. If people would just do research on products they'd see through all the smoke and mirrors.
Yesterday I had a series of 3 customers in a row that just rubbed me the wrong way. The first guy was using the bar code scanner app on his phone to compare prices. Yeah that didn't piss me off. The next guy was a know it all. People like that make it really hard to help them. Plus he was a bragger. He mentions he was in prison so he did a lot of reading. He apparently wants to be a personal trainer. Yeah he's not someone you'd trust with your body. He apparently told my boss that he was in prison for a sexual crime. My boss handled it better then I would have. I would have said alright and not talked him unless he talked to me. Honestly if he didn't show up again I would not cry myself to sleep at night. While this was going on this guy comes in and the first words out of his mouth are "they got a pill for everything." Yeah that goes over well. He then asked if we had a pill to increase appetite. Just fyi there is such a pill. I said no we don't have a pill like that. Really? There is a pill for everything, but not one for that. So I just rebutted with with obesity as high as it is there isn't really much call for that. I would have showed him the weight gaining proteins but well he clearly wasn't going to buy anything and know it all was over by them. Yep if I don't ever see those three again I will be hurt in the least.
Today's tip is don't piss off store clerks. They can make your shopping quick and easy or a hassel. Plus they know all the deals.

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