Monday, August 2, 2010

Giving this a shot

So yesterday on twitter my former college professor mentioned a challenge. Write 750 words per blog post during the month of August. So I figured hey that would be fun. She got the idea from I went on there and I thought there would be some sort of sign up sheet. There might have been if I signed up, but well I didn't. So just letting all you readers know. If my blog entries seem longer and more like rambling then usual you know why. So back to what I was going to write... if I could remember. Oh right my workouts. So yesterday I did a stomach workout and I can actually see ridges. I'm so shocked. I've been at this for about a year and just now seeing stomach ridges. About damn time. Now granted I haven't been working my my stomach like I should be that whole year. So that's one reason why I might not have seen ridges until recently. Then on top of that right now I'm taking a product that pulls water from under my skin. As a result it's definitely made me look leaner. My muscles also seem to look bigger. Now I have lost weight, but then again it goes up and down all the time. So as long as it doesn't go down any more then I know that I am actually getting bigger. I'm also going to be trying a new product. I'm going to give this Anabol 5 a shot. The reviews are of course all over there. A lot more seem to say they have seen an increase in strength and endurance. People's weights have also gone up. So I'm thinking since I'm kinda at this weight plateau (my body weight not gym weights) that I might give it a shot just for that aspect. Maybe I could give Size On another shot since I have something that's pulling water out of my system so I might not get that bloated look. Or it just won't look as bad. If I wasn't going to be hitting the beach this Saturday I might be more tempted to go out there and take Size On. Plus the guys that will be there have been hitting the gym a lot longer then me and it shows. I'm kinda at that level that I would have been at if I was an all around athlete. So basically I'm playing catch up with some of the guys my age. Actually with most of the guys my age. So like I said before. I'm hoping this year I'll put on more mass and get stronger as well. I have more body confidence then I once had but sure as hell not as much as I'd like. Still don't want to take my shirt off in public mainly because I feel like my stomach is still pudge. Well not really, but feels like it to me, but I am happy that I'm really getting into the gym scene. Speaking of which boy did I feel like crap this morning. I forgot my keys so I couldn't get into the gym (I carpool) so had to go back to my apartment, grab my keys, and drive back. So instead of doing an arm workout, I had to do a leg workout. Finished at the same time though. That could be because I was rushing a bit, or because I need to add more leg exercises. The annoying thing is that weight hog was there when I stopped by the first time. He left by the time I got back a second time. I think he left weights on the leg press though. Or that could have been me from Saturday, but I'm pretty sure I did in fact put the weights back. If not I sure did today. The really scary thing is that as I was finishing up I heard this loud bang from the weight room. Go back there and the "Please replace the weights" sign fell down yet again. They can't blame it on me since I was clearly in the other room. Which leads me to another point. I saw on the trainers door there is this new thing called beat the trainers. If you beat a trainers record (some of them I know could easily be beaten by some of the guys that I saw on Saturday) with an employee present you win... a free training session. That's right if you beat the trainer proving you are in good shape you get a free session with a trainer. Ok one trainer would be happy you did it, but the other. Oh I'm sure he'd make your free session with him a living hell for beating his record. Seriously who is going to want to do that. I bet the only reason why they are doing it is because they noticed a decline in people signing up for trainers. Then again when you think about it, it's not shocking. One guy is so into himself that you could be doing all the bad form you want and he won't say anything. Plus he stares you down. Least he did with me. I have no clue why. The other guy is a good guy and does watch you, but doesn't exactly look like a guy that seems to have too much muscle on him so no one wants to trust him. Oh well. I don't know if any of you remember this show, but it was called Extreme Dinosaurs. My brother was obsessed with this show. It didn't last very long (hard to imagine why). Basically a time traveling alien captures dinosaurs and makes them intelligent so they can take over his home planet, but he gets docile ones first then goes for raptors and gets caught by the police and something happens where they go into hibernation and wake up in present day. Very believable. Then again it's a cartoon. So enjoy the intro for extreme dinosaurs. Today's tip is the only way to get better is to take on challenges. It can also be a good way to bruise your ego.

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