Thursday, August 5, 2010

People confuse me

In a big way. For instance. What is the deal with people and posting comments on video sites. I mean have you ever picked a video then look at the comments that some people post. I mean some of them are just down right nasty. Thus begging the question why? What is the point of being super negative about a video. I mean are you hoping that the creator gets so distraught by your one comment that they hurt themselves? Are you so insecure with your creativity that when you see a video that you don't like you jump down the person's throat? Is it that people know it's hard to find them in person? I just don't understand the drive. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying people can't give negative comments like they didn't like it or that the person could have done more work. Those are constructive. The comments I have issue with are things like "omg ur such a fag. This video was the worst". How do comments like that help anyone? If you don't like a video move on. Just don't spread it around. For instance I don't like those fred videos. I find them pointless, but you don't seem me going on every single one and putting super negative comments. No I just don't even view them. I don't post them on this blog and I don't share them. Guess I was just raised better then some.
Speaking of people with negative comments yesterday a guy came in and was just rude. Granted I don't like this person to begin with because he's pushy and far from loyal. Anyway he had his gallbladder removed and blamed it on me because of a pre-workout product I recommended. Claiming it was too acidic. Of course when he had said attacks he was eating high fatty foods which can cause gallstones. Anyway he said I recommend it to him, when in actuality the owner did. The owner said that I liked the product and so he asked me what I thought of it and I told him. He bought it. So as of now I am not steering him towards one product or another. I will simply say people like that one. If he asks what I think of it I'll change the subject or avoid the question. He has now shot himself in the foot. He goes on about how we have the lowest prices, but he goes to other stores to buy stuff plus he is stuck in his ways. I officially am not going to help this guy at all. There are far other people that won't blame everything on one product. Especially without proof. He claims he had to go to the emergency room every time he tried it, but he is known to overreact.
As for my workout today I had a good workout. Seemed like my chest has gotten stronger. Again I didn't feel tired after working out. Not sure if it was the Anavol that helped or if it was the fact that I was off yesterday. Which reminds me I'm officially getting tired of people telling me I'm addicted to working out. I usually work out 5 days a week. I only did it 7 days in a row because I had energy to burn last week. I know I need to rest to have better results. I'm not stupid yet everyone keeps treating me like I am. I mean yesterday I was tired and I said maybe I should have worked out this morning and my boss goes on about how I shouldn't workout all the time. Like I said I'm not crazy. I say it all the time to people that you don't have to workout all the time. Like I said it pissed me off and I said I know I'm not working out all the time. I said I guess I should have. I didn't say I was going to go heavy. He then gets all defensive and says I was just making sure you didn't over work out. Now granted maybe I am being a bit defensive and overly agitated, but seriously they have got to stop. Ugh just pisses me off that I'm treated like a kid by everyone.
So the video for today is American Boy by Estelle featuring Kayne West. I like this song. I heard it at the barber shop and had to throw it on my mp3 player. It happened to play during my workout today. So enjoy. Today's tip is if a company offers you a chance at a $200 gift card if you apply there, then you really don't want to work there.

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