Sunday, August 29, 2010

Well that Saturday sucked

It sucked because of the annoying city I live in. So after the whole gym thing I decide to go home. Yeah apparently that wasn't going to happen. My usual way was blocked off. So I go down and try to get on the main road. Nope that's blocked off. Turns out there was a parade going on. Yeah thanks for the heads up. How about leaving a letter in people's mail telling them what roads will be cut off and when. So basically if I hadn't gotten lucky in finding a place where the cones had just been removed then I would have to back track to the gym and take the long way out. Man it pissed me off to no end. They basically made the city a maze and I don't know the city well enough to get where I need to go if the main way is blocked off. Thanks a lot.
The other annoying thing is stomper (the guy above me) finally moved out. Now yes it's a good thing that he moved out, but of course he couldn't move out without causing a fuss. At one point he was yelling at his girlfriend outside. There was also him talking very loudly to a guy right outside my window. I swear he had a saw going up there because I just heard this buzzing noise and when I went outside to see if it was on the side of the building there was nothing. Then he had to loudly run up and down the stairs. Well the plus side is he is all moved out and I won't have to see or hear him again. He left his window shade open so when my room mate went up there he saw that the place looked empty. Now the big deal is hoping that the people that move in after him will be better. Hopefully it's just one person that doesn't have a boyfriend or girlfriend that constantly comes over and stomps around.
So this neighbor that lives a few doors down asked to take his scooter out for a ride. Now he's let her ride it before and she then talks his arm off about how she is going to get one in october when her social security check comes in and that it made her feel so free and alive and blah blah. Well this last time she ws gone for like an hour. Now my room mate is a really caring person. So after like 10 minutes he started getting worried. Then by the time 30 minutes rolled by he went into the apartment got changed and was getting ready to get out to look for her. He figured she fell and hurt herself. He wasn't worried so much about the scooter. Well before he goes out she comes scooting along. My room mate is of course pissed at this point. He's not a guy that gets pissed very easily. He asked her where she had been and she said she just took it for a spin. Well he locked it up and was kinda short with her and went into the apartment. Well a short time later she catches up with him and says she hopes he's not mad and doesn't trust her. She stopped to talk to a friend. He said I thought you were hurt. Well then at another conversation they had turns out that she in fact went to a garage sale. See now that's not right. You are on someone else's vechicle and you said you were going to take it for a short spin. You have your own car that you could use if you really needed to go see what's there. I don't know what's wrong with people. If your borrowing something you are suppose to be extra careful with it. Ugh....people.
So this clip is um...yeah let's go with violent. Yet it's still funny. You know those girls that think they are hot stuff when it comes to dancing, but we all know they have no buisness on the dance floor. Well this woman is one of those type. Plus I think you'll also notice she's the lightest person in the group. Now I don't know what made the guys flip out like they did, but it just gets mean. I mean they are basically wrestling with her. Well needless to say she was dropped down a few pegs because when she left she looked ready to cry. Maybe that was an actual dance that happens. Who knows. Anyway today's tip is when borrowing something try not to blow it up. People don't like their stuff blown up.

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