Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I got a lot on my mind

This blog should be an easy one to get up to 750 words so I'll get right into. What does Jealousy feel like? I mean really think about that question. It's an emotion we always hear about. It's even a sin. Yet honestly I can't point to a time when I felt jealousy. I can point to times when I was angry, happy, sad, and even nervous, but I can't tell you a time I was jealous. There are times when I wanted something that someone had, but is that being jealous of them? If that's the case then anytime you want something your "jealous". Can anyone really tell me what it feels like to be jealous. Maybe I'm not the type of person that gets jealous the same way others do. Maybe it depends on the person. I could always ask my ex what it's like to be jealous. I truly think jealousy is one of those fake emotions. Apparently there are only 5 actual emotions that humans feel. Now this is based on a biological changes that occur. They said happiness, sadness, anger, nervous and something else. Well I think nervous was one. Anyway that's what I think is with jealousy. It's one of those made up emotions. Oh well. Over thinking again I guess.
So I saw this ad for The Last Song. That crappy movie with Miley Cyrus. In the ad they say it's the perfect movie to see with your daughter. Ok why is it the perfect movie to see with your daughter. Is it because it's about a father and daughter relationship. Well by that logic Piranha 3D is the perfect movie to go see with your Piranha. Or you should go see The Expendables with your old army buddies. Twilight is the perfect movie to see with your vampire boyfriend and werewolf wannabe boyfriend. Just because a movie has something in it doesn't mean it's the perfect movie to see with that something. I guess advertising agencies are getting so lazy with their ads they are just going for the easy stuff. Oh it's a movie about a father and daughter so it must be the perfect movie to see with your daughter. It's just flat out laziness.
In Wisconsin in 2009 there were 238 deaths related to drunk driving. Now I may be a simple city boy, but don't you think that if you've been drinking maybe it's not a great idea to drive. Now granted I shouldn't be talking. I went to that bachelor party and everyone was drinking. Well 3 of us weren't. Apparently 2 of those 3 had been involved in a drunk driving accident or was addicted to alcohol. Leaving me who just didn't drink because 1 he was driving and 2 isn't a fan of beer. I just don't understand what is the drive to drive drunk. Why are you so spent on drinking something with alcohol and then driving on the road. It's not that your risking just your life. You are risking the life of everyone that is on the road. Your reaction time is slower. You are more prone to falling asleep. Your judgment is off. I'm sure what it is, is simply they haven't been caught yet. They did it one time and weren't caught. So they then assume oh I can keep doing this and I won't get caught. Then one day they don't get caught they crash. They crash into someone who didn't deserve it. Like I said I don't see the point. If you need to drink so badly then buy a case of beer and drink away. That way your not wasting gas and the only risk is solely to you... or you and your room mate. I really wonder what goes through people's minds that makes them go out to a bar and drive back home without someone who is sober. Plus they will do this in the snow too. There are seriously people out there that will go to a bar in the winter with all the snow at night and drive home. That's hard to do when your sober let alone when your drunk. It's just scary.
I'm sure we have all seen the commercials for the Shakeweight. Now it might actually do everything it claims to do, but who wants to use a product that looks like that. Well if your one of the few that still insists on going out and buying a shakeweight then watch this clip. If your one of those people that makes funny of people that buys the shakeweight then watch this clip. If you like to laugh then watch this clip. After it's over I'm positive you will not want a shakeweight... ok some of you might for the reason that the clip shows and if that's the case do not let me in on it. Today's tip is no one does anything for free. There is always a hidden cost somewhere.

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