Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day off came and went

So yesterday was my day off and it's now gone. Honestly it was a pretty dull day off. Then again I never do anything on my day off because well there's nothing to do. I mean I don't know a lot of people around the city so it's not like I can hang out with someone. I don't go drinking for the reasons I mentioned in this blog earlier. So yeah I usually stay home and complain about how I have nothing to do. I dropped by the store to say hi to my co-worker. That and ask him if he wanted to do an upcoming event for the store. Per usual he had no preference what so ever. I decided to hang around since one he was clearly bored and two I was clearly bored. So we talked for awhile. I learned that he broke his toe sometime during the bachelor party and didn't feel it. Shocking since he was drunk. Well getting there when I left him. Also learned that not going to the bar part I was planning to go to was actually a good thing. The guys apparently went to a restaurant ate and drank. Then got to the bar and grill and drank. Then got to the strip club and yes drank. So I said oh clearly that would have been fun watching you guys get drunk. He retorts with one of his friends didn't get drunk and had fun. So I finished his statement and said yeah watching you guys get drunk. Then he said something else that also fit the whole watching you guys get drunk. He knew I was right so he just chuckled. I also learned that the reason why one of his friends hadn't heard about our new pre-workout is because he went all traitor. What I mean is that he shopped somewhere else to get his pre-workout instead of our store. You have to know my co-worker to understand why that is such a big deal. He is a very loyal guy. He only goes to places where he knows someone that works there. I was listening to what he told his friend and I felt bad and I didn't do anything. Well I don't go shopping where his soon to be wife works, but that's because their crap is over priced and they don't have the stuff I like. On a somewhat related note I must say I can not take diuretics. This is related because apparently my co-worker took a cycle of them for his party at the beach. Now let me explain why I can't take these products. You see they purge water from your system to make your skin stick tighter to your muscles. Or to help with that water weight during that time of the month. Anyway for two... no make that three Saturday's in a row I have gotten headaches. There are only two reasons why I get headaches. Ok three reasons. 1. I haven't been drinking enough water throughout the day. 2. I took a male enhancement. 3. I'm sick. Now needless to say I can really only control 2 of those three. A diuretic would lead to so many headaches for me. My co-worker admitted that he thinks that's the major reason why his migraine started up. Headaches and vomited are signs of dehydration. Now I will admit I do take a diuretic, but it's not like the one that my co-worker too. The one I take is waximaze which is a complex carb that takes water from underneath the skin. Plus you don't have to cycle it. Now the reason why I never get headaches from taking waximaze is because it actually forces me to drink more water. It leaves this very dry taste in your mouth that usually gets you to drink tons of water. Plus it has me peeing a lot since it took the water into my blood stream and whenever I have to pee I drink a glass of water. On Saturday's I don't take waximaze so I honestly don't drink enough water throughout the day leading to headaches. I get snippy when I get headaches. Especially because I know it's because I wasn't drinking enough water. Those are the most annoying headaches.
So don't ask me why, but I remember the show Princess Gwenever and the Jewel Riders. The song just suddenly started playing in my head. Don't judge. Anyway it was one of those popular shows. It was the big thing with girls like Double Dragons was the big thing for guys. Anyway if you want another blast from your past then check out this video. Today's tip is never underestimate the power of the placebo. I once saw one lift a car of a baby.

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