Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Today is going to be interesting

I say that just because of how it started. It's was a cold morning, the high is no where near what it was last week and there is a guy that is doing the consultation today. So yeah should be fun.
One thing that annoys me is when guys come in and they honestly don't know what they want. Two guys yesterday were really confusing. They both kinda said the same thing. They want to get bigger, but they want to be lean. Now that may sound easy enough, but it makes it hard to get the right product for them. Not to mention they actually did a double talk. They'll say they wanted to get big, but then say no I want to lean out and get defined, but when you ask if they want to get that lean defined look they said no. Yeah makes it really hard to get them the right product. Now the first guy was a teen so that makes sense that he was that confusing. He was talking to my boss first and based on what he told my boss it sounded like he needed a mass gaining protein which is my expertise. Then the more we talked the more it sounded like no this is actually not the product for you. Then it got worse because the mother was there and yes she was trying to get him to listen, but of course that wasn't helping. Well eventually we got him something that we think will help and be better then the Nitrotech he wanted. Then again doesn't take much to be better then that product. Then the other guy has been in before. He was looking at the pro hormone we had and wanted to get it. As we were talking I wasn't convinced that it was the way to go just yet. Then he kept pushing it. So as we were looking at it and I was listening to what he wanted I figured the one for lean muscle was a better fit. Well again there was this double talk. He wants to lean out, but he wants to gain muscle, but he doesn't want to look like a college football player. Then he was worried that it was going to cause him to lose muscle which is not even close to the case with these products. He was worried that it would make him look like a cyclist or a swimmer. So me and my boss spent 10 minutes trying to convince him this was the right product for him. Makes you wonder how he ever makes any type of decision.
The other annoying thing that happened yesterday was that my cable, internet, and facebook were having issues. I was on my facebook app on my iPhone when suddenly I was logged out. As I tried to log back in it said couldn't connect to facebook so I got worried that someone was trying to hack my account and got it. It actually happened before, but no harm was done. Least none I found. So I go online and it's going really sluggish. At the same time the cable channel kept going in and out so I figured it must just be the channel and when I turned it I had the same problem. So I'm freaking out because I think my account is being hacked and I can't go on the web to check. Well I could, but it was saying that my account won't be available for hours because of site maintenance. Then all at once everything seemed to start working again. Wish things would freak out one at a time then I won't have a big break down.
Now back to my common sense rant. What is it with people and not wanting to use common sense. So at my gym they had managed to correctly re-rack the weights from lightest to heaviest. Today it's already being screwed up. A 40lb bar is at the top. Now I know what happens. I'm sure it's the arrogant trainer doing it. He has an issue with re-racking weights, wiping down things, or well watching a person. So I'm sure what happen is someone was working out using the 20 lb weight. He made a guy or girl use the 40 lb weight. Then when they were finished just threw it up at the top. Now wouldn't common sense tell you that maybe you should put the 40 lb weight back where you found it. Obviously someone using the lighter weights will have an easier time putting it back on top then someone using a heavier weight trying to put it back on top. These are the same people that would let their children go fishing by themselves and walk there on the highway. Yes I actually saw this on my way to work. With all the crap that you hear about kids being abducted why would you let your kids walk on their own, on the highway, to fish by themselves. That's great parenting. Or the people that rent a Uhaul trailer by the day and just sit on it for 2 days after they finished moving their stuff. Yes again I saw this happen. There is still a Uhaul trailer in the back of my apartment building that someone used to move their stuff on Sunday. Now I looked at the license plate and I'm pretty sure the person that was moving was a college student who drove up with his dad from Illinois. So again why not just drop off the trailer if you're going to stay a few days. That way you can get your deposit back. Again just a problem with common sense.
On a lighter not I found out I'm not as fat as I once thought. Well let me rephrase that. I don't have as much body fat as I thought I did. You see I use the Jackson & Pollock 3-site method to measure my body fat. It was getting so hard to measure the body fat on my thigh that we just put down 2 mm for my fat there for 8 months basically. Well turns out that I actually had less body fat there then that. We just tried to take it again and well There was like no fat to pinch on my thigh. So I changed the measurement to 1 mm since that sounds pretty accurate considering you can barely pinch it. That dropped my body fat from 7.09% to 6.78%. That makes my Lean Body Mass 16.08 lbs more then when I started instead of 15.57. Hard to believe that changing the body fat on my thigh by 1 mm could change everything that much. I guess if you weigh all the measurements the waist measurement counts the most and chest counts the least, because I actually have more fat on my chest then I did last month, but my body fat went down and that's because my waist body fat went down. Funny how that all works.
Today's tip is if your going to let your children walk on the highway by themselves to fish alone in the rain then clearly you should have never bred.

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