Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lot to do

So yesterday I got a lot done. Well a lot of what I wanted to do. I finally got a workout plan set up. I also learned quite a few things. The first being that when that trainer put RDL he meant Roman Deadlifts. When I was searching for some good excerises I saw it in the training notebook. I thought oh that's a good excerise to do. Then as I was reading how to do it I thought hmm this sounds familiar. So then I looked at my sheet and I made the connection. Omg that's what RDL stands for.
The other thing I learned is the fact that I can finally do squats. Well still need to work on my form, but I sure as hell am doing better then when I first tried to do squats. It may sound like a small thing, but squats are one of thos excerises that is great for packing on the muscle since it requires tons of muscle groups. That means that testosterone goes through the roof and as a result it can help increase muscle mass with all the free flowing testosterone. It was in a book I read. Doing that along with dead lifts.
As a result of me mentioning the word Deadlift I was sent a tweet about how deadlifts are tough but worth it. Well the guy has an article about some of the best excerises to help build muscle. I will say that it does make some good points. As a result I think I'm going to add the link to my links. Besides they will come in handy if I change my routine again. It's always good to have a list of possible excerises. Change in a routine can help whenever you hit a plateau. Plus you might find excerises that work better.
Today I have to go by work to ask the my co-worker if he wants to go to this event more then I do. I don't know I just get the feeling he's hurt that my boss didn't ask him. The only reason why I'm going is because I was right there when it came up. This guy has been with the company a lot longer then me. I mean it feels wrong not to at least ask him right? Besides if it comes up I can go say I was going to the bank to make a deposit. Plus I'm sure he's bored out of his mind. Saturday isn't exactly the busiest day. The only annoying thing is that when I go there there will be a lot of talking. He's a story teller. He spends a lot of time talking. Oh and I guess I should have something set up. He's the one that invited me to the very boring bachelor party and I better make sure I have something set up in case he asks. Don't want to give a face to show that I was bored out of my mind.
Yesterday was a pretty good day customer wise. In fact I ran into a customer that goes to the same gym I go to. Well apparently there is also another guy at my gym that comes in too. That's how this guy came in. He said that the guy at the gym was shaking something up. Said he got it from our store and that it works. Of course he didn't remember the name. I hate when guys take a pre-workout and don't remember the name. He just told him it was in an orange container. Well thinking about it maybe what I was thinking of wasn't what the guy was taking. Well anyway I really connected with the guy on a few levels. 1. we go to the same gym. 2. I got him samples of stuff that actually works and explained why they work well. 3. I actually treated him like a person which our competitors can't say. Plus we have lower prices. A lot of guys have been coming in saying that. Maybe luck is changing and we are going to be getting really big really fast. I mean the owner is a great guy and I really do my best because I can't imagine the store having to close up. There are tons of people that would be affected.
Today's tip is Make sure that if you let someone know you have to pee that you're not holding an empty cup. Sends the wrong impression.

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