Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thinking? Is it a crime?

Apparently it is at my gym. Yet again I had a workout where people make me wonder what the hell. First there was the lady that I swear is weight hog's mom. I went in and when I went to my cardio bike I noticed that one of the tvs on a treadmill was still on. Plus there were headphones still attached to it. Now there were 3 people there before me and my workout partner got there. So it wasn't hard figuring out that it was the woman on the machine. So I go to the weight room in the back and as I'm doing the front pull down the woman comes to the back and sits at the cable row machine. Now I was the last one to touch it. I know this because no one had changed the weight or the setup since I used it last week. She changed the weight. Did her set and walked off. Yeah I don't care if you don't look like your sweating at least wipe the seat. I do it on anything I sit on or lay on even if I'm sure I didn't sweat. It's a courtesy. I'm sure she never wiped any machine she was on.
The other thing I noticed was that there was a new note posted on the guys bathroom. It said on the 24th you have a chance to beat the trainer. It says have the trainers help you max out, ask them question about your routine, and something else. Now if you recall my gym has this thing about beating the trainer and you get rewarded with a free training session. Well originally the 24th was just going to be ask the trainer, but I'm sure they noticed that no one was trying the beat the trainer or signing up for training session. That's honestly the trainer's fault. You see my city...well county is a small county. Everyone goes back and forth and they talk. The guy that told us about the trainer that basically was an ass to him is a loud mouth. Anyone that asks him about the trainers he will let you know. So now everyone is so sure that the trainers are arrogant or don't want to even try. The other thing I noticed is that they have this class they are doing for World's Strongest Woman Competition training. Ok let me tell you what the manager of the gym told me. She said most of the members of the gym are women over 35. How many women over 35 do you know that want do a World's Strongest Woman Competition. How many women over 35 do you know that are truly strength training and not just trying to tone or lose weight? I really don't think they are thinking this trough. On top of that it cost 50 bucks a month or 10 bucks per session. Yeah I can see that going well. So as me and my workout buddy were driving away from the gym we were discussing it. Basically we decided that the trainers are the ones pushing these events not the gym. That they are losing so many clients or not getting any new ones that they are doing all this. Honestly if they had tried this right off the get go and made sure they treated everyone with respect they'd probably have loads of clients, but no one specifically came off as arrogant. He doesn't watch people as they are lifting. He looks at himself in the mirror. He stares people down. He doesn't put the weights back or wipe down the machines. Now that's only one trainer and there are two. I don't know how he is with other clients, but with me he was pretty good. Yet I'm sure he can't get clients because of his asshole co-worker. Honestly if he was smart he'd come in at random times in the day and talk to members. Show he's a good guy in it not for the money, but to help people. He of course hasn't so he has no clients. I'm also pretty sure they only reason why the two guys are at anytime is because they couldn't cut it at any other gym. The other gym in the city basically caters to MMA fighters and/or steroid users. The other ones have members that clearly don't need a trainer. Sometimes it pays to listen to a stereotype.
Today's tip is anyday that you wake up is a good day. Anyday that you see a talking dog is a day that will end with you in a padded room.

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