Friday, August 13, 2010

What a day

Yep tons of fun. So I went to the gym today to do a total body workout since I had the day off. So when I get there there were two other people there. This one guy on the treadmill I swear ran like Velma from Scooby Doo Where Are You? I tried not to stare and laugh, but I mean I've never seen a guy run like that. I then go to the back to lift weights and wow. 35 lb dumbbells were left out. I think some people don't understand how to put things back. I'd hate to see their house. I mean you don't see people going there and pulling things out of their place and not putting them back or at least asking where do they go. Anyway so then I of course did my workout and then this older woman comes back and starts setting stuff up. She then runs to the bathroom to change and she then proceeds to go through all these different workouts. Ok the annoying part was that she set everything up that she planned on doing. Ok it's one thing to set up for the next exercise, but I mean she set up for everything. Plus it wasn't just me back there but another guy who kept staring at me. It was kinda weird. I even think he was going to talk to me if she hadn't come back. Anyway the annoying part was that she was hogging all the machines and she of course didn't wipe down any machine or bench she used. I guess older women really don't understand gym etiquette. She's the second older woman to do that. What is the deal with that.
In other news looks like they changed the poster for that World's Strongest Woman training. It now says World's Strongest Man/Woman. Probably because they figured that Women really wouldn't want to do that. Honestly I don't see anyone really signing up. I mean $50 per month or $10 per session. Well they clearly need some luck for that.
There was also this article that came out yesterday. Apparently the secret to gaining muscle isn't heavy weights. It's actually muscle fatigue. What that means is lifting a weight until you can't lift it anymore. So It can be with a really light weight or a heavy weight just as long as you go to muscle failure. Now this is something I knew. I go up in weights because eventually I'm spending forever getting to that failure part. So I knew this because I read it in all the books, but when I see a study that proves it I feel better. I mean I'm not the biggest guy, but when you see someone lifting huge weights it does feel a bit intimidating. Least I'm doing it right.
The last big note is that clearly blogging is smart idea for me. When I start freaking out I need to blog. If I write out my feelings it gets them out of the way and I think logically. For instance the freak out about my co-worker who called up yesterday and proved he didn't dislike me. It proves that when I give good advice I got to listen to because it works. Yay.
Today is my day off which is always good. I'm probably going to take a nap later along with doing nothing. I also plan on having pizza tonight. YAY PIZZA! Plus the annoying thing is that it was raining like crazy this morning. So much that my area was under both a severe thunderstorm warning and watch. The only downside is that for the first 3 hours I'm peeing every 15-30 minutes since I worked out this morning. Yay for increased metabolism that causes me to pee a lot because I was drinking a lot of water while working out. That and I used Waximaze which puts more water in my blood.
Today I'm posting two videos. That's right you get two for the price of one. I'm sure we all have heard of Trojan condoms and if you haven't you now have. Anyway apparently they made this video called Trojan games. Yes it's exactly what you think it is. The first one is a "power lifting" event. Again it's exactly what you expect it to be. The next one is Judo. Again it's exactly what you expect it to be. So if you want a cheap laugh then watch these videos. Got to love dirty humor. Today's tip is you never know what people say behind your back, so pay someone to stand behind you.

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