Friday, August 6, 2010

Harder then I thought

So I've only been on this 750 word challenge since Monday and It's starting to get hard. Yesterday I struggled to get to 717 words before I posted my squibies and wrote more. I guess when you don't have something you want to really rant about it makes it harder to get the word count up, or forces me to think about what I'm going to write more which I did today. I kinda have a plan, but I wouldn't be shocked if I started writing it down. Plus I'm using paragraphs which I usually don't do. So clearly it's good for something. Well better get on with it.
So like everyone in the world I have an opinion about the prop 8 judgement. Honestly I agree with it. Banning any type of marriage is basically like the Jim Crowe laws. You are saying that these two people can't be with each other. Now it's one thing if it's incest or under age or bigamy. Since that isn't the case in this it's not the governments say. If anything the government should be loving gay marriage. That's more money coming in. People have to get marriage licenses, there is usually a wedding cermony involved, and that also means wedding gifts. How in the world is this a bad thing for two men or two woman to get married. Not like a straight couple is going to see that couple and then suddenly say I want a divorce. There is no legal reason why same sex couples can't get married. The problem is that the whole seperation of church and state doesn't exist. If you ask people why they are against it they usually say one of two things. 1. it's against the bible or 2. it's "wrong". Well if we were to do everything the bible said a lot of us would be dead. For instance anyone that works on the Sabbath is suppose to be stoned to death. Anyone that calls anyone a fool is in danger of the fire's of hell and later on in the bible someone calls someone a fool. Don't believe me? Look up Matthew 5:22 then Matthew 23:17. Notice how Jesus says both. Yeah so clearly the bible has a few continuity errors and has passages that we don't follow today. So that's my stance on Prop 8 along with a little bible lesson.
I'm still feeling the sting of what my replacement did while I was gone. I say sting because it involves angry seniors. Trust me you do not want to see an angry senior. This one lady came in and wanted one of our proteins. She says and now I get my senior discount on that. I said no this is a starred item so we don't give any discounts on it. Well the lady that was here last time said I did. So I said she probably didn't check to make sure that it had a red star, but as you can see (I showed her) it has a red star and as all of our signs posted say, the red star means no discount. So she goes on about that for 5 minutes then notices the smaller size doesn't have a star. So she says well do you have a sample of the banana. I don't want to buy it and not like it. I said we don't and she again says she got a sample from the lady that worked here. She wanted to talk to her, and I said she was only a temp. She then wants to speak to the manager. I said that's me. So she says well I liked the chocolate don't you have a small one of that. I said no we are out and the company apparently is no longer making small ones in chocolate. So we play this game of tag for what seems like 30 minutes before she finally buys a banana one. I don't know what it is with people and discounts and reading. Yes you get a discount on anything in the store without a red star. The signs that are posted everywhere say no you don't get a discount on the red star. I'm not making it up. I pointed to the sign. I mean she was being a complete ass. The woman was a temp, the big ones have a star, we don't have a sample of anything but chocolate, and we aren't taking it back if you don't like it. It was hard not yelling at the woman since I had a headache that day and she was not helping it.
Awhile ago I found another abridged series. Well not really. Just another one that a person it doing. It's called Yu-Gi-Oh Crapsule Monsters. It makes fun of the capsule monster part of the Yu-Gi-Oh series that appeared on 4kids that was crap. So enjoy the first episode. Today's tip is mother's like knowing every aspet of their children's lives, so let them know about your sex life. They will never ask again.

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