Monday, August 30, 2010


Yep my week begins all over again. Pretty soon my b-day will be a month away and I still have no clue what in the world I'm doing for it. I mean the sad part is that I hinted to that co-worker of mine that my b-day is on the 1st of October, but of course he didn't bite. Figured he at least get something going. Might just end up sitting at home or going to get a new tattoo. Meh got almost a month to figure it out.
So I just now realized I haven't done something positive with my blog. I do a lot of complaining, but I actually haven't congratulated some people that really deserve it. The people I'm talking about are those everyday people that get up out of bed to go walking. The people that have a weight bench and some dumbbells in their basement. The people that said I'm taking charge of my life. I'm going to lose this weight. Those people really don't get the encouragement they deserve. It's so easy to jump on a bandwagon when someone has lost 50 lbs and say oh wow you look so good. How many of us actually acknowledge that someone is actually taking the right steps to begin losing that 50 lbs. How many of us say wow are you starting to lift weights. I can tell your starting to fill out. I'll tell you how many of us do. 1 in 100. Ok it may not be that low, but not a lot of us do it. Yeah now I'm starting to hear from my friends yeah you look like you've put on a lot of weight or wow you look huge. Now granted they haven't seen me recently because they are back in Texas and I'm in Wisconsin and it's not like I take a photo of me everyday to post on facebook, but honestly it would have made this a whole lot better. It's so easy for people to get discouraged. Every small bit of encouragement helps. Keeps people going on the right path. Plus when someone tells you they lost 5 lbs or even 2 lbs congratulate them. Tell them they are on the right path. They are making the right steps. That will keep them going until they hit that goal.
Alright back to my ranting. Yeah the people that workout on Sundays at my gym are jerks. They always leave the weights out or don't put stuff back the way they should. I go to the back and there is a mat just laying there along with a barbell that still has weights attached to it. How do you do that. How do you not put the weights back where they belong. I mean I understand if you need to go pee or if you are going to wipe down the bench then put up the weights. That makes sense. Now obviously this person isn't getting injured every time, and if they are then clearly they need to stop working out. I mean I don't want the gym to have to hire someone to just stand back there and make people re-rack weights because that means I have to pay more per month. Just wish people would have the common decency to simply put the weights back after they are done. Forgetting as you move to another exercise is one thing, but leaving them in a spot where you can clearly see you left them is another.
The other annoying thing I see is people who blindly elect officials. There is a guy who represents my county in the state capitol and he has gotten in trouble for taking money out of a government trust and using it to repair the stadium for the minor league team he owns. He claims he has returned the money. Now we find out it's actually double what was originally thought. Ok I don't care if he returned the money. I care that he took in the first place. I know the only reason why he admitted it is because someone caught him and if he didn't he'd be thrown out of office. Yet I still see signs for him in people's yards. Why do you want a man who took money to keep his job. Don't re-elect him. Then again these are the same people that say Nixon was a great president and did nothing wrong, but that Clinton did something unforgivable. Let's see Nixon resigned and had to be pardoned. Clinton was impeached, faced trial, and was found innocent. Hmmm I wonder which one did something that was unforgivable. This blind voting is what got us into the mess in congress. They let officials that have not done what the people say keep their jobs. Vote them out. I don't care if a guy is a Democrat or Republican. If he took government money then he is not to be trusted and should be thrown out of office.
I'm sure you all have heard California Gurl by Katy Perry. Well that song has been in my head since this morning at the gym. Plus I saw The Wiz yesterday and it reminded me of this music video. Anyway so enjoy. Today's tip is if you are already talking about Halloween stuff then clearly you don't understand the order of the months. It's not even a month away.

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