Saturday, August 28, 2010


It's Saturday and it's my day off. Yeah that's pretty much all I got. Yesterday was a busy day for me. I had so much stuff to do. Plus it was a really slow day. I was just bored most of the time. I hate being bored obviously. I'm 21 years old. I hate being bored.
Yesterday I worked alone which meant that anyone that wanted to talk to the owner would have to settle for me. That usually leads to a lot of oh I'll just come back or call back later. Yep that's exactly what happened. Yeah not fun at all. It is very annoying. Why can't they just talk to me. Maybe I can answer your question which in most cases is the case. Just annoys the hell out of me.
On the plus side the guy that lives above me clearly is moving out. FINALLY! That man is the most annoying person I can think of. He stomps around I swear just to piss me and my room mate off. Then once his girlfriend shows up he makes sure to step very lightly. Plus I'm pretty sure he beat his ex-girlfriend. The police were inovled when she was moving out. Only a matter of time until the new girlfriend sees his true personality. I mean come on. He clearly can tread softly, but chooses not to whenever she's not around. The dude is hiding something. I don't like him.
So this challenge is really hard when I haven't seen the news or nothing interesting happen. 750 words is very hard when you are doing it every day. On the plus side it's almost Septemeber which means I don't have to worry about how long my blogs are.
I was saving this for tomorrow, but clearly I have to do this rant today if I want to hit my mark. So I was at the gym today and came across yet another person that didn't wipe down the machine they used. Not only that, but he did the most annoying thing. He'd be at a machine. Do a few reps then he'd get up and walk around for like 2 minutes. Then he'd change the weight and then do it all over again. Now he was on the machine that was in clear view of the wipes. Now I had grabbed the wipes twice to wipe down the machine. HE GOT UP AND WENT TO THE BACK WITHOUT EVER WIPING HIS MACHINE! Ok people here let me state this for all the people that have seen this and never wanted to speak up. WIPE YOUR GOD DAMN MACHINES EVERYTIME YOU FINISH! Stop being a fucking asshole and wipe the god damn machines after you finish. No one wants to clean up after you. So simple wipe your sweat off the machine and do everyone a favor. We don't want to catch the germs you have. We don't want to lay down and feel this wet spot. And it's not just the young pompous guys that are doing it. I swear every old person I've seen go in there doesn't wipe down the machine. Especially the women. Ok that whole women don't sweat the glow is utter bullshit. WOMEN YOU SWEAT SO WIPE THE GOD DAMN MACHINES! I know I'm not the only person that is annoyed by this. I swear if I ever have a gym I will have strict rules. If my trainers don't have people wipe their machines or re-rack the weights they are gone. I will say if you are caught not wiping the machine or re-racking the weight there will be a penalty. I'm not saying that you can't forget once and then go back to wipe. That happens to me sometimes. I'm talking about the people that clearly see everyone else doing it and choose not to. Ugh and I could see the sweat dripping off this guy. Ugh just so annoying.
It's no shock that I'm a fan of abridged series. I think it's one thing to abridge a series, but another thing to abridge it and make it funny. It's a lot harder then we may think. The people that do these make jokes within their shows. They are truly good. This is an episode of Yu Yu Hakusho abridged. The person that did this series also works with Team Four Star on DBZ abridged. It's no shock why he works with Team Four Star. In fact I think he's their editor along with the voice of Krillin. Anyway I think a lot of you will like this. Especially if you like Yu Yu Hakusho. Today's tip is some people in this world are jerks. It's just a fact of life.

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